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10 Simple DIY Household Non-Toxic Cleaners

You don’t have to spend a fortune to use non-toxic cleaners in your home.  With just a few simple ingredients, you can easily make cheap and earth-friendly household cleaners that really work!  Here’s 10 Simple DIY Household Cleaners that I use in my home.

Right now as you read, there are about 700 chemicals coursing through your body, many of which can be found in the cleaning supplies in your home. These chemicals include potent hormone disruptors, formaldehyde and cancer-causing 1,4 dioxane.  Exposure to these chemicals has been linked to chronic diseases like asthma, autism, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.  Studies have found an estimated 30,000-50,000 man-made chemicals bloodstreams today that our grandparents never had.

But lucky for us, we don’t need these toxic chemicals to have a clean home.  And you don’t have to break the bank at your local health food store to purchase all of those fancy “organic” cleaners. Using a few simple household items, you can easily make your own non-toxic cleaners.

Why use non-toxic cleaners?

Studies have found over 200 man-made chemicals in the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is found in over 90% of personal care products, shampoos, soaps, conditioners, cleansers and toothpastes. It is BANNED in Europe and Canada. It causes hair loss, cataracts, and rashes. It has been shown to affects the brain, heart, and liver.

The American Association of Poison Control Centers reports at more than 90% of poisonings happen at home. Medicines, household cleaners, and pesticides top the list of offenders.

A study on chemicals used in household products in New Jersey and Massachusetts showed that 28 million pounds of chemicals that are known or suspected neurotoxins, carcinogens, or reproductive or developmental toxicants were used in soaps and other detergents, in those two states alone. Additionally, 259 million pounds of these chemicals were accounted for in specialty cleaners and polishers

A study by the Toronto Indoor Air Commission concluded that, due to increased exposure to household carcinogens, women who work at home have a 55 percent greater chance of developing cancer than women who spend the majority of their time outside the home.

Basic Ingredients:

It doesn’t take much to make your own non-toxic household cleaners.  Here’s a list of basic of things that I use:

Castile Soap: Castile soap is a vegetable soap traditionally made from 100% pure olive oil, water, and lye.  It is indispensable in green cleaning because it acts as a surfactant and helps lift away dirt and cut through grease.

Vinegar:  Good old white vinegar has antiseptic properties and  is a great cleanser and degreaser.  You can also use apple cider vinegar.

Baking Soda: Baking soda is cheap, naturally abrasive, and a great deodorizer.  It is completely biodegradable.

Rubbing Alcohol:  Rubbing alcohol has a neutral pH and is a good alternative when acidic liquids like vinegar are too harsh.  It is great for streak-free glass and helps to preserve essential oils.

Essential Oils: Many essential oil are known for their antiseptic properties.  They are a great way to “super-charge” your green cleaners.  Some of them are wonderful degreasers, deodorizers, and brighteners as well.  Not only do essential oils get things clean, studies show they can help you in other ways – from lifting your mood to boosting your immune system.

My Favorite Essential Oils for Green Cleaning:

Thieves:  Thieves is a potent blend of Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, and Rosemary.  It has long been used for it’s antiseptic properties.  Among Oily users, it is the number one essential oil for boosting the immune system.

Purification:  Purification is a blend of Citronellsa, Lemongrass, Lavandia, Rosemary, Melaleuca, and Myrtle.  It is hands down the best deodorizer to cleanse and purify funky odors.  It is also known for it’s antiseptic properties.

Melaleuca alternifolia: Melaleuca (or Tea Tree) is highly regarded for it’s antiseptic properties. In aromatherapy, it is recommended for stimulating the immune system and for supporting the respiratory system.  It has been used for centuries by Indigenous aboriginals to clean and heal skin abrasions and other skin issues.

Lemon:  Lemon essential oil is not only antiseptic, but has also been shown to actually improve people’s moods according to a 2008 study published in Psychoneuroendocrinology, so try using some lemon to see the brighter side of things. Lemon is also a powerful degreaser and natural brightener.

Lavender:  Lavender’s antiseptic properties make it ideal for green cleaning.  It’s a wonderful deodorizer.  It is also known for it’s calming effects on the nervous system.  Many folks use Lavender to help with better sleep.

A Word About Quality

Please note that I am only talking about 100% pure therapeutic grade essential oils.  Only about 2% of essential oils sold are considered therapeutic grade.  There is no standard for EOs and so many of the oils you find may be adulterated or synthetically manipulated and can actually contain harmful ingredients.

My essential oil of choice is Young Living Essential Oils. They own their farms and they run a very tight supply chain.  I trust their essential oils above all others because they are pure and unadulterated and are manufactured for therapeutic use not just for smell.    Read more here about why I choose Young Living.

10 Simple DIY Household Cleaners

1. Basic Household Cleaner

1 cup water

1 cupvinegar  (like this)

6-10 drops Thieves, Lemon, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle.  Spray onto surface and wipe with a clean cloth. Use to clean household surfaces.  Can also be used to wash fruits/ veggies and toys.

2. Castile Soap Household Cleaner

2 cup water

1/4 cup castile soap  (like this)

6-10 drops Thieves, Lemon, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle.  Use on counter tops, bathroom, toilet, or anywhere that needs a good cleaning.

3. DIY Glass Cleaner

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup vinegar

1 cup rubbing alcohol  (like this)

6-10 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle.  Use on a clean cotton clothe or newspaper to clean glass, granite, or stove top.

4. DIY Toilet Bowl Cleaner

1 cup vinegar

1/2 cupbaking soda (like this)

2-3 drops Purification or Thieves Oil

Directions: Combine all ingredients in a small bowl.  Dump into toilet bowl and use toilet brush to clean.  Allow to sit for 5-10 minutes to allow essential oils to remove odor.

5. DIY Soft Scrub

1 cup baking soda

1/4 cup castile soap

5 drops Thieves, Lemon, Lavender, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)


Directions:  Combine baking soda and castile soap in a small bowl.  Add enough water to make a nice, smooth paste.  Use to clean tubs, toilet, and tile.

6. DIY Floor Cleaner

1 gallon water

2 tbsp castile soap

4-6 drops Thieves, Purification, Lavender, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Directions:  Combine all ingredients and use to clean floors.  Use damp mop, not saturated, as saturating floor with liquid may cause spotting or warping of the surface. Always do a test patch before using.

7. DIY Floor Cleaner with Vinegar

1 gallon warm water

1 cup vinegar

4-6 drops Thieves, Purification, Lavender, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Directions: Combine all ingredients and use to clean floors.  Use damp mop, not saturated, as saturating floor with liquid may cause spotting or warping of the surface. Always do a test patch before using.

8. Serious Degreaser

1 cup castile soap

2 tbsp rubbing alcohol

15 drops Lemon Essential Oil

Directions: Combine ingredients in a glass container.  Shake before use.  Apply to damp clothe or sponge and wipe surface until clean.

9. Carpet Deodorizer

1 cup baking soda

5 drops Thieves, Purification, Lavender, or Melaleuca (Tea Tree)

Directions: Combine baking soda and essential oil.  Sprinkle on carpet and allow to sit for 30 minutes.  Vacuum.

10. Grout Cleaner

1/2 cup baking soda

1/2 cup water

5 drops Lemon essential oil

Directions: Mix ingredients to make a paste.  Scrub mixture onto grout in a circular motion using a brush. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

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