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Thousands March through Copenhagen to Protest Covid-19 Lockdown & Vaccination Passports (VIDEO)

People opposing the Danish government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week’s gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests.

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Over 50,000 Restaurants in Italy Declare “I Am Open” Defying Lockdown Measures

This weekend, over 50,000 restaurants in Italy began defying the country’s strict ‘anti-Covid’ lockdown measures in a massive act of civil disobedience according to Off-Guardian.

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Blood Electrifier Successful Replication by Mike Finley

Michael Finley of

Back in March 2014, Mike Finley of Illinois informed me about his successful replication of the blood electrifier using the instructions from our eBook.

Prior to his final testing, we had a very healthy conversation which should help anyone contemplating to do the same.

The video will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, here are the pictures…

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This Family Of Four Lives Off The Grid In the Desert

Living off the grid has its own challenges, but the rewards are far more exciting. We don’t have to force ourselves eating GMO or non-organic products, pay for energy and water bills. Don’t have to deal with urban noise and air pollutions, etc.

Best of all, we can easily do what we need to do and enjoy doing them.

With the right technology we can still access the internet or enjoy free satellite TV for news update and education.

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Water Fuel Technologies are Real

In 1969, a compatriot Daniel Dingel approached the late Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos for the implementation of energy systems that run solely on tap water. The latter refused to give in to the plea due to the planned installation of a nuclear power plant. This nuclear plant was about to be switched on in 1986, but Marcos was kicked out from his 20-year dictatorship, denying the country from cheaper electricity for home and industrial use.

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Accelerated Open Wound Healing is Now Possible

Accelerated wound healing is just one of the benefits of having a blood free from all types of parasites. You can cleanse your blood from all those parasites by following the eTherapy protocol described at our homepage.

Two days ago, a very interesting article describing a different approach came out of RT…

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Ozone Therapy Can Cure Ebola

Here at eClinik, ozone therapy is just one part of the whole eTherapy protocol as described on our homepage.

But even with this one treatment alone, a decisive method to cure Ebola is found.

This is what one doctor has found as he announced the first case of cured patient from the dreaded Ebola viral infection.

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