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Ezekiel Emanuel: ‘A Technocrat’s Technocrat’ On Health Policy

Technocrats like the Emanuel brothers operate within both political parties, not because they are Democrat or Republican, but because the political machinery allows them to perpetuate themselves and their policies. ⁃ TN Editor

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US Lawmakers Bask in Covid-19 Panic while Quietly Building the Police State of their Dreams

As the coronavirus epidemic monopolizes the attention of the American people, government is taking the opportunity to sneak through all manner of restrictive legislation, including a law that could end the internet as we know it.

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COVID-19 is the Elite’s Coup Against a Terrified Humanity

The coup was designed to take immediate measures to ensure that fundamental rights and freedoms, only ‘won’ (in name at least) after many centuries of struggle, were stripped away from us and to do it in such a way that people would fearfully accept it.

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ID2020 Alliance: Global Mandatory Vaccinations + Biometric ID Integration

An alliance of multinational companies, global consulting firms, including Gavi or Vaccine Alliance, Rockefeller Foundation, Microsoft, etc. has been formed to provide a “holistic and market-based approach” to help governments of the world provide a “good national ID” to “prove who you are” because it is “a fundamental and universal human right.”

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