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Cloud Seeding “to Help Initiate Shower & Storm” Preceded Hurricane Harvey

A stunning cloud seeding report, which supports the claims that Hurricane Harvey could be another of those engineered hurricanes, has surfaced. The supposed post-job report was issued by the Trans-Pecos Weather Modification Association, Texas.

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Cloud-Seeding Report Filed On August 24th In Texas County

Cloud seeding prior to Harvey 08242017PrecipTPWMA

Hurricane Harvey started forming on the same day…

hurricane harvey profile

See other cloud seeding reports from the Trans-PECOS website. Scroll down for the latest.

The West Texas Weather Modification Association is a proud humanitarian…

“The West Texas Weather Modification Association is an Operational Cloud Seeding program that operates over 6 million acres of land in West Texas. The primary goal of the program is to enhance rainfall in convective thunderstorms to help increase dry land crop revenues, decrease groundwater consumption, save on irrigation cost and to help recharge area aquifers while putting some water in area lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Since 2004, the WTWMA has helped increase precipitation by 16%, which translates to an additional 2.25″ across the area.

The WTWMA is funded by the local groundwater conservation districts and the city of the San Angelo. As a member of the Texas Weather Modification Association, which groups together other programs such as the Panhandle Groundwater Conservation District, the South Texas Weather Modification Association, the Edwards Aquifer Authority, the Trans-Pecos Weather Modification Association among other, the WTWMA continues to expand in its knowledge and abilities by continuing research and development projects per the Texas Weather Modification Act of 1967.”


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