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India Won’t Suppress Tewari’s Free Energy Generator

India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India.

Years ago, Tewari has also proven the theories inside Bruce de Palma’s homopolar engine which first exposed this writer to the world of free energy technologies.

Obviously, a country cannot implement its own free energy program without considering all possible consequence including a military response from Petrodollar countries, e.g. Saudi Arabia, UK, US. That’s why India has been aligning its own military program with that of Russia which at present is standing up, together with the BRICS countries, against the Nazionist cabal imposing all sorts of sanctions to destroy it.

The BRICS alliance has in the past promised to release all suppressed technologies, e.g. free energy, for our responsible utilization. It looks like they are keeping their word.

Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented In India

“Ere many generations pass; our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.” – Nikola Tesla

Breaking News: Over-Unity Reactionless Generator Invented In India

(Collective Evolution) A Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) has been invented by Paramahamsa Tewari, electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India. His background includes engineering project management for construction of nuclear power stations. The efficiency of models he has built, which have also been independently built and tested, is as high as 250%.

In November 2014, I made one of many visits to the laboratory of Paramahamsa Tewari. I had seen the basis for the RLG design in September of 2010. Mr. Tewari showed me a stiff conductor about a foot long which was allowed to rotate at the center and connected at each end with small gauge wire. A magnetic circuit was placed under the conductor. When a current was allowed to flow through the conductor it rotated, due to a torque induced on the conductor according to Flemings Left Hand Rule and standard theory, verified by experiments at the dawn of the electrical age. With a simple rearrangement of the magnetic circuit, the same current produced no rotation – the torque was cancelled. I later duplicated the setup and experiment on my workbench. It is ingenious and lead to his breakthrough, the invention of a reactionless generator with greatly improved efficiency.


This experiment has lead to the design and testing of generators with efficiencies far above any previous design. The design uses the same types of materials used in current generators, but the magnetic circuit within the machine is configured to cancel back torque while inducing current and producing power. This might be compared to the rearrangement of materials by the Wright Brothers to build a surface with lift that resulted in manned flight in a time when many, including scientists, said it was impossible. Indeed, physicists who cling to an outdated model of the properties and structure of space have declared what has been done by Tewari to be impossible.

During the November testing I witnessed two tests of efficiency on the new model in Tewari’s lab. The second test was several percent better than the first and produced 6.6 KVA with an efficiency of 238%. A second set of stator coils was not connected yet but is expected to increase output to 300%. This is a 3 phase, 248 volt Hz, AC synchronous generator operating at 50 Hz. State of the art, true RMS meters on the input and output that measured KW, KVA, and power factor confirmed the readings of meters we had supplied for tests I observed in April of 2014.

We were able to visit a 130-acre factory site of one of the top electrical machinery manufacturing companies in India. At this site the company manufactures rotating electrical machines, including generators. When the chief electrical engineer first saw the drawings and design of the RLG he knew immediately what it meant for efficiency! Because of their confidence in the design, and the results of the tests on the smaller model, the company has assembled a self-excited machine designed to produce 20 KVA.

When we arrived at the factory a vice president of the company, the factory general manager, and the chief engineer greeted us. We then inspected the new machine and met the engineering design team assigned to this project. They are electrical and mechanical engineers who design and build conventional generators with output as high as 500 KVA. They are very enthusiastic and understand the breakthrough. A second machine rated at 25 KVA is now under construction at this company in India.


I believe, as do the engineers in India, that this is the biggest breakthrough in rotating electrical machine design since Faraday’s invention of the electrical motor in 1832. The elimination of back torque allows all the energy generated to pass through the machine. Power output is determined by the strength of the excitation magnets and the synchronous reactance (resistance at 50/60 Hz) of the stator windings. Current models can be cascaded for higher output. Each machine can produce at least 2.38 times the input and can be configured in a self-running mode. Due to concentration on efficiency and design improvements the machine has not yet been configured in this manner.

During a visit to witness tests in December of 2012, we were guests of the engineering director of a large utility company, and we toured a generation facility which the director pointed out was ready for RLG systems as soon as they are scaled to the required size. In March 2015 we returned to India for licensing discussions. Current plans call for introductory models to be marketed at 10 KVA and 25 KVA. A second company is involved in manufacturing discussions and the Karnataka Power Corporation, which supplies Bangalore, is investigating the use of 200 KVA units in a wind farm application as described in the April 7th edition of Asia Times.

The November 2013 issue of The Atlantic magazine features an article on The 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel. The RLG is more than just a product or a technical innovation. It is a fundamental change in the way that energy can be generated. It overcomes the inherent inefficiencies of AC generators. Patents have been filed and the RLG is ready to be licensed to companies that manufacture rotating electrical machinery. In fact, discussions with companies on three continents are underway.

We believe that the RLG is a fundamental discovery, not an innovation. Mankind’s first fundamental discovery was harnessing and controlling fire. The second was the wheel. The third was harnessing and controlling electricity. The fourth was harnessing and controlling the atom. The RLG can turn wheels without the use of fire (fossil fuels) or the atom (nuclear plants). It is a 21st century innovation. The first four of these innovations involved an understanding of material elements. The RLG is based on an understanding of the non-material properties of space. Paramahamsa Tewari’s search for the nature of reality has led him from study of the ancient Vedas of India to the formulation of Space Vortex Theory. It is a new theory unifying the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity. Starting with principles described in the Vedic texts, Tewari was able to delineate a mathematical model that explains the words of Tesla when he said:

“All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.” – Nikola Tesla,“Man’s Greatest Achievement,” 1907

In Tewari’s words:

“The universal matter is created out of prana since prana is aakaash in motion, and aakaash is the primordial superfluid substratum of the universe.”

The concept that efficiencies cannot be greater than 100% is due to an incomplete understanding of the properties of space. The second law of thermodynamics must be modified to account for the fact that space is not empty, as has been taught for the last 150 years. The RLG operates at what has been called “over unity.” Many experienced electrical engineers engaged in the manufacture of AC generators have independently tested the RLG and confirmed the efficiency ratings that I have observed. It’s time for the physicists to get out of the way and modify their theories while the engineers go about the business of design and production.

The theory and mathematical models can be found at:


Recent Press Coverage:

Asia Times Article


Paramahamsa Tewari, Background

Paramahamsa Tewari was born on June 1, 1937, and graduated in Electrical Engineering in 1958 from Banaras Engineering College, India, and held responsible positions in large engineering construction organizations, mostly in nuclear projects of the Department of Atomic Energy, India. He was also deputed abroad for a year at Douglas Point Nuclear Project, Canada. He is presently the retired Executive Nuclear Director, Nuclear Power Corporation, Department of Atomic Energy, India, and is the former Project Director of the Kaiga Atomic Power Project.

Fundamentals of physics attracted Tewari’s imaginations right from the early school and college days. Over the last four decades his new ideas on the basic nature of space, energy, and matter have solidified into definite shape from which a new theory (Space Vortex Theory) has emerged. The theory reveals the most basic issue of relationship between space and matter precisely pinpointing that space is a more fundamental entity than matter. The physical significance of mass, inertia, gravitation, charge and light are revealed by extending the analysis in the theory beyond material properties and into the substratum of space, which again is broken down into fieldless voids, thus showing the limit to which a physical theory can possibly reach. The real universe is shown to be opposite to the current concepts of concrete-matter and empty space. The books that he has authored on Space Vortex Theory are:

  • The Substantial Space and Void Nature of Elementary Material Particles (1977)
  • Space Vortices of Energy and Matter (1978)
  • The Origin of Electron’s Mass, Charge Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields from “Empty Space” (1982)
  • Beyond Matter (1984)

tewariHe has lectured as invited speaker in international conferences in Germany, USA, and Italy on the newly discovered phenomenon of Space Power Generation. For the practical demonstration of generation of electrical power from the medium of space, Tewari has built reactionless generators that operate at over-unity efficiency, thereby showing physicists have been wrong about the nature of space for 110 years and he has shown that space is the source of energy for the generation of basic forms of energy.

Why There Will Be No Suppression Of New Energy Technology


It wasn’t long before carriage makers were driving horseless carriages. It wasn’t long before people crossing the continent on trains abandoned the railroads for airliners. Natural gas is replacing coal and there is nothing the railroads, the coal miners, or the coal companies can do about it. Cheaper and more efficient energy always wins out over more expensive energy. Coal replaced wood, and oil replaced coal as the primary source of energy. Anything that is more efficient boosts the figures on the bottom line of the ledger. Dollars chase efficiency. Inefficiency is suppressed by market forces. Efficiency wins in the market place.

The Engineering Director (electrical engineer) of the Karnataka Power Corporation (KPC) that supplies power to 6 million people in Bangalore and the entire state of Karnataka (10,000 megawatt load) told me that Tewari’s machine would never be suppressed (view the machine here). Tewari’s work is known from the highest levels of government on down. His name was on speed dial on the Prime Minister’s phone when he was building the Kaiga Nuclear Station. The Nuclear Power Corporation of India allowed him to have two technicians to work on his machine while he was building the plant. They bought him parts and even gave him a small portable workshop that is now next to his main lab.

Cropmton Greaves Ltd. (the GE of India) have funded his work and corporate directors CGL as well as Reliance (oil and energy) know of his work.

I have also been told by many Indians that the work of Tewari will never be suppressed. It is a matter of national pride. India is ready to take on the world. You can feel it everywhere you go. I realized, the first night here, while mediating at 3:00 AM in the morning, dealing with serious jet lag, that in just over 100 years. since Vivekananda came to the U.S. and introduced the west to Vedic teachings, that in every country of the world, during every minute and every second of the day or night, people are practicing yogic styles of meditation.

Bottom line; efficiency always wins. There will be no suppression of machines with efficiencies higher than those currently on the market.

Toby and Tewari
Toby and Tewari


The Best Way to Eliminate Carbon Emissions

  1. Eliminate Carbon Fuels.
  2. The USA has spent trillions of dollars on fossil fuels. Renewable Energy Systems have no fuel costs. A Utility that has no fuels costs can provide cheaper electricity and do it without releasing CO2
  3. Nothing Lasts Forever. Coal production has already peaked in terms of BTUs per pound. Peak Volumetric production is not far off, probably by 2025.
  4. If we do not use the energy we have now to build an energy system that does not rely on non-renewable energy, we will live in a preindustrial world when fossil fuels run out.
  5. We have a 50 year window to build a new energy system based on the worldwide fossil fuel depletion rate. We need to start now while protecting the health and safety of the coal miners, who will provide the energy we need to get the job done.

Eliminating carbon emissions is an imperative, not requiring a best way; rather it is the only way.

tobyWriten by Toby Grotz. (You can see a picture of him with Tewari here)

He is an electrical engineer and researcher of new energy technologies since 1973. He has organized numerous conferences and travelled the world interviewing and assisting inventors since 1992. He has been involved on both sides of the energy equation: exploring for oil and gas and geothermal resources and in the utility industry working in coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants. While working in the aerospace industry, he worked on space shuttle and Hubble telescope testing in a solar simulator and space environment test facility. He has also been involved in research for new energy sources and novel forms of hydrogen production.

 Collective Evolution

45 thoughts on “India Won’t Suppress Tewari’s Free Energy Generator

  1. This article is making the rounds but I have not found anything anywhere to indicate that this gadget is being applied practically. Perhaps you can provide some links to that effect?

  2. If this generator technology is truly not suppressed then are the design and construction documents available for purchase?

    1. they are free. I have downloaded the patents from tesla, parts list and detailed instructions with pictures on how to operate it. The site I downloaded it from has been shut down since I downloaded it though. I could share it through my google drive if you want. Not sure how they do this stuff nowadays lol

        1. Hi Alex, before you start get some verifiable info on how they tested it to confirm their claims! I have seen the doc’s and video’s. Nothing there to backup what is claimed, it very much looks like a scam and its been around for quite a while?

          Basically all that is demonstrated in the video’s is a ~1000Watt motor driving a rotary generator of sorts that lights up 10 light globes (probably less than 100Watts each). Nothing there that confirms what they are claiming, very amateurish demonstration indeed.

        2. Does any one sell this generator?

      1. Hi Alex,

        Could you share said patents from Tesla, parts list and detailed instructions with pictures on how to operate it? Please share the Link of your downloaded location.

        The oil industry is doing its best to suppress technologies competing with oil. But with the internet where we can connect anywhere to anyplace in the globe….we have the upper hand to spread “green technologies” such as the solar electric energy system each household can manage.

        Thank you in advance.

        Best regards,

      2. Hi Alex.
        I would like to know if you built the unit and if you did,did it function? I would be interested in seeing the documents that you have. you can contact me via email


        Thank you
        PS I have a son whose name is Alexander. The meaning of the name has greek origen, It means THE PROTECTOR! My son has very big shoes to fill.

    2. this tech was offered first to the USA but b/c of oil, gas, solar power (money honey) it is being suppressed. It does work and I for one and going to get way or another. John Christie gave it after USA refused to the rest of the world.Look up John Christie folks. also if you want to see it work pipl go to youtube and see for yourself the men who have made their own and demo the generator.

  3. This article can only be assumed to be FALSE advertising … probably for money. As an Electrical Engineer and Physicists, I can tell you as fact and quite simply that anyone who claims to have a machine that exceeds greater than 100% efficiency and cannot easily demonstrate “Self Running” performance is simply telling you nothing but lies!

    The big giveaway in this article is clearly evident … ” Each machine can produce at least 2.38 times the input and can be configured in a self-running mode. Due to concentration on efficiency and design improvements the machine has not yet been configured in this manner.” …. You don’t need to re-configure the machine to make it self-run if it does what it claims!

    If anyone can achieve 2.38 times over-unity then you have more than enough power to demonstrate a “self running system” and it would a dam simple to demonstrate. If this can be demonstrated, then it would in fact prove the existence of a perpetual motion machine, which have never been done before and would kill all skepticism once and for all … but alas, these poor fellas are taking you for a ride in make believe!

    1. You’re unfamiliar with Ed Leedslalnin’s perpetual motion device then.

      1. The EL device is certainly not perpetual motion in any way whatsoever, this is basic classical electromagnetic theory nothing more. I have designed and built many magnetizes and demagnetizes over many years. What and where exactly do you believe there is perpetual motion here?

        The nearest thing to electromagnetic perpetual motion would be an electric current circling a superconductor at or near absolute zero and this is only because the internal electrical resistance of the superconductor approaches zero at those temperatures .. its still standard classical physics?

        I think one major problem concerning all these free energy theories and scams that exist today is that the majority of us are being ripped-off by high energy costs and the notion of free energy is thus publicly very appealing?

        If you want free energy then the best present day solution is to install a PV Solar system on your roof top, while it has only 15%-25% conversion efficiency its free for as long as the sun shines in your back yard?

        1. …and it is only 20% efficient because the patent office has directives to suppress any pv patent showing greater than 20% efficiency. A directive from the petro suppressors; many such suppressors are at work on all such over unity forums, trying to scare off or nullify anything threatening their mighty dollar!

    2. “As an Electrical Engineer and Physicists”

      Never heard a physicist refer to themselves as a “physicists” before. I think you’re full of crap to be honest. Also, anyone who claims something with 100% certainty is obviously either stupid, or lying. You have no idea what technology we are capable of, just because dumb people claim it’s impossible now does not mean it is so. Do you realize how many things we have thought were impossible over history that turned out to be very possible? Clearly not. The only one lying here is you.

      Also, Rodin Coils and variations thereof achieve exceed over 100% output. This “you cannot exceed 100% output” myth is a myth and nothing more.

      “but I suspect they will just ask for donations to continue the research”

      You mean like every other entrepreneur in the world? You’re acting as if that’s some sort of proof that it’s not true. The only thing it proves is your ignorance. Technology requires funding, this is nothing new.

      “and it would a dam simple to demonstrate.”

      A physicist that can’t even spell damn, how surprising.

      1. Dear Patrick, thanks for the heads up on my fast typing spelling errors, I’m glad you worked it out though!
        I am willing to travel anywhere in the world to test these over-unity machines (using dynamometers and certified energy meters, not simply a $50 multi-meter) and verify these claims and certify that they are indeed >100% over-unity. My only condition is I require prepayment of all costs including traveling costs and will gladly refund this money if I am proven wrong!

        Indeed I have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about and your are totally incorrect when you say This “you cannot exceed 100% output” myth is a myth and nothing more…. On the contrary the latter has been proved over many years and the only myth here is yours?

        In the unlikely event that you have witnessed, tested and verified your over-unity claims then please enlighten us with proof and with full technical details on how you have done so? I have checked the TEWARI website ( test results and can confirm that for an engineer who has supposedly worked for the Department of Energy shows lack of experience in selecting the proper test instruments to verify his claims and he has certainly not documented any test results or methods. Now any engineer of repute (and he claims to be an electrical engineer) would at the very least test this machine with a dynamometer and certified energy meters at both the input and output, he should also clearly state the test methods and loads (if any) used. Now for a guy who has supposedly designed and built generators ac machines, worked for energy companies and is on “speed dial” to the Prime Minister, I would be surprised if he does not have instant access to such basic testing facilities?

        As I stated above, If you can achieve >100% over-unity then you should very easily be able to demonstrate self-running capability and it should be able to self-run almost indefinitely and technically it would be creating energy or extracting it from somewhere? … So can your machines or devices do this?

        I have personally witnessed some so-called free energy over-unity claims and have found them to be fraud, implausible and downright deceiving. In most if not all cases the inventor’s don’t have a proper understanding of the science or engineering involved (even if they have degree’s) and yet they are the first to discount and ridicule well proven, well documented and firmly established theories in Physics, Engineering and Thermodynamics. If you want to introduce some new invention or experimentally verifiable facts rather than knock and or ridicule established principles all you need to do is submit it for authoritative testing and publish your theories in a reputable scientific journal and I’m not talking about some unrecognized pseudo scientific journal for the gullible.

        If you claim over-unity you must be able to prove it using established test methods, not based upon some half-baked theory that claims the text books are wrong … prove it first then we will re-write the text book, that’s how it’s done!

    3. I am so intrigued by this blog that I am forced to write few lines here. Being a die hard environmentalist, will welcome any FREE Energy solution. I agree with Collin only up to certain degree. Today things that were not possible 50 years back, have come to reality. No need to mention the inventions here. I believe, FREE ENERGY IS POSSIBLE. Lets not be that negative about; instead we encourage these scientists.
      Here is one best I have seen so far..

      Open Challenge to all engineers;

      in fact this guy has challenged any engineer to disapprove his methodology… It is not about if this can be commercialized or not. But to prove – FREE ENERGY IS POSSIBLE.


      Collin, your comments awaited.

      1. Inder Sharma, I never said that free energy is not possible, it really depends on what you mean by the term, like the Sun providing earths energy needs is effectively free and the energies stored in ordinary matter, especially dense complex matter such fossil fuels and uranium.
        I have been searching this area for many years and have come across very few positives and many more negatives and false claims especially in devices that claim over-unity in excess of 100% where they cannot perform self-run capability like the Tewari device describe here?

        I am very not familiar with the Pakistani device as shown in the link you provided, but I am aware of a number of promising and similar self-running permanent magnet motor devices if this is what it appears to be? The video is not really conclusive proof and there are a number of irregularities such as why the lamps do not light up when he spins the rotor shaft by hand .. rather the lamps light up instantly only when the cage is closed, also from the video the shaft speed appears to be too slow to be able to produce that kind of mechanical shaft power and an AC frequency high enough to turn the fan? (This may depend on the details of the generator used in the test). I would like to see the device operate without the ac generator attached and rather attach it to a small dynamometer to measure shaft power or a fan blade and measure the wind speed/power produced. The video doesn’t provide any specific details or specifications on the units capability or performance even though he appears to be making a challenge to engineers … if there’s one thing engineer’s hate the most it is the lack of specific details given in order to make a calculated conclusion one way or another … and this is very common among

        That said, I have interest in these types of self-run permanent magnet motors … of any of the so called free energy devices around I think there is possibility in using the reaction forces of permanent magnets in order to extract energy. Over recent years there appears to be great progress in this area with some very interesting mechanical designs and claims of having production models available soon … So I will be keeping and close eye on these from a personal point of view. As to where the energy is extracted from remains to be explained properly in line with the laws of physics and materials engineering. Classically these modern high strength permanent magnets require a great deal of input energy to produce and magnetize and it would be interesting to have a detailed analysis of these energies and compare them to whatever energies could be extracted from these self running machines if they become a reality?

    4. The only reason you say what you do is because you have a closed system mentality.Take a look at the Thane transformer where the back emf doesnt impede the system, or the bearden figure 8 transformer wher the flux never reaches the dipole. The reason for less out than in is due to destroying the dipole via a closed system. Open systems dont suffer the same fate. I was trained as an Electrician 40 years ago and i understand closed systems.Enthropy is due to circuits where the back emf is not harnessed, but is left to raise the current and to empede circuit performance.If you charge a capacitor, and then switch it into a load, you do not destroy the dipole that provided the energy in the first place.So Collin you are absolutely wrong. You like myself were trained classically, and have closed your mind to any idea of overunity as i did, until i saw for myself that the back emf can be harnessed for good. John Berdini also shows this in practical circuits.

    5. Indian Government personally Funding this project, Indian State Karnataka has signed Agreement to produce Machines

  4. That’s all great and everything, but where can we find the plans to actually make one?

    1. Contact the authors if you can or Nuclear Power Corporation of India (+91-22-22182171 / 22182177) and KARNATAKA POWER CORPORATION LTD (080-2255606/22204153) and first check if they ever heard of Mr. Paramahamsa Tewariguy, but I suspect they will just ask for donations to continue the research?

      If the technology is not suppressed as they say in the article then they should gladly give you a copy of the plans?

      1. I have all the plans to make it. or a variation of it

        1. Before you built it ask them for test results and how exactly they tested it to get >100% over-unity, could save you a lot of wasted time, effort and money!

  5. I got as far as:

    “Paramahamsa Tewari’s search for the nature of reality has led him from study of the ancient Vedas of India to the formulation of Space Vortex Theory. It is a new theory unifying the relationship between space, mass, inertia, light, and gravity. Starting with principles described in the Vedic texts, Tewari was able to delineate a mathematical model that explains the words of Tesla…”

    I couldn’t bring myself to carry on, I’m afraid. Entertaining, up to a point, but way too formulaic. Have you thought about writing your fiction in a different genre?

  6. […] India gedoogd vrije energie India considers its own free energy program a matter of national pride, and is very much willing to risk antagonizing Petrodollar countries with its support on Reactionless AC Synchronous Generator (RLG) invented by its own Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and former Executive Director of Nuclear Power Corporation of India. […]

  7. if you can produce 100.01% output (i.e. you put in 1,000W and you get back 1,001W – why would you need to improve efficiency? take the 1KW, have 1W spare and repeat forever – as soon as you create anything (however marginal) more than 100% you have a perpetuum mobile – to “be configured in a self-running mode” all you need to do is to connect the two output wires to the socket where your motor is plugged in. a 10year old could do that.
    Did you also notice the use of “odd looking” numbers – 2.58, not 2, 2.5 or 3. No, 2.58 (arbitrary number) looks more realistic. Nice try though.

    1. Couldn’t agree more Max, I have personally witnessed some so-called free energy over-unity claims and have found them to be fraud, implausible and downright deceiving. In most if not all cases the inventor’s don’t have a proper understanding of the science or engineering involved (even if they have degree’s) and yet they are the first to discount and ridicule well proven, well documented and firmly established theories in Physics, Engineering and Thermodynamics. If they want to introduce some new invention or experimentally verifiable facts rather than knock and or ridicule established theory all they need to do is submit and publish their theories in a reputable scientific journal and I’m not talking about some unrecognized pseudo scientific journal.

  8. if everyone can wake-up it will be very good

  9. As a Software Engineer and part time Rodeo Clown I can tell you for sure that this is fake, I mean look at my qualifications!

    We all know that at best over unity is 2.12, the claims of 2.58 are a pipe dream!

  10. Dear Patrick, thanks for the heads up on my fast typing spelling errors, I’m glad you worked it out though!
    I am willing to travel anywhere in the world to test these over-unity machines (using dynamometers and certified energy meters, not simply a $50 multi-meter) and verify these claims and certify that they are indeed >100% over-unity. My only condition is I require prepayment of all costs including traveling costs and will gladly refund this money if I am proven wrong!

    Indeed I have a pretty good idea of what I am talking about and your are totally incorrect when you say This “you cannot exceed 100% output” myth is a myth and nothing more…. On the contrary the latter has been proved over many years and the only myth here is yours?

    In the unlikely event that you have witnessed, tested and verified your over-unity claims then please enlighten us with proof and with full technical details on how you have done so? I have checked the TEWARI website ( test results and can confirm that for an engineer who has supposedly worked for the Department of Energy shows lack of experience in selecting the proper test instruments to verify his claims and he has certainly not documented any test results or methods. Now any engineer of repute (and he claims to be an electrical engineer) would at the very least test this machine with a dynamometer and certified energy meters at both the input and output, he should also clearly state the test methods and loads (if any) used. Now for a guy who has supposedly designed and built generators ac machines, worked for energy companies and is on “speed dial” to the Prime Minister, I would be surprised if he does not have instant access to such basic testing facilities?

    As I stated above, If you can achieve >100% over-unity then you should very easily be able to demonstrate self-running capability and it should be able to self-run almost indefinitely and technically it would be creating energy or extracting it from somewhere? … So can your machines or devices do this?

    I have personally witnessed some so-called free energy over-unity claims and have found them to be fraud, implausible and downright deceiving. In most if not all cases the inventor’s don’t have a proper understanding of the science or engineering involved (even if they have degree’s) and yet they are the first to discount and ridicule well proven, well documented and firmly established theories in Physics, Engineering and Thermodynamics. If you want to introduce some new invention or experimentally verifiable facts rather than knock and or ridicule established principles all you need to do is submit it for authoritative testing and publish your theories in a reputable scientific journal and I’m not talking about some unrecognized pseudo scientific journal for the gullible.

    If you claim over-unity you must be able to prove it using established test methods, not based upon some half-baked theory that claims the text books are wrong … prove it first then we will re-write the text book, that’s how it’s done!

  11. Consider Wm Day’s “A New Physics”, in which he describes space as a non-material medium. It’s impossible to judge a new paradigm by the assumptions of the old.

    Jean Le Vaux

  12. “Do you realize how many things we have thought were impossible over history that turned out to be very possible?”


    Because something has not been achieved is not evidence that it cannot be done. Making a declarative statement that something is impossible.. is a marvelous method of being eventually proven wrong.

    The concept that energy could… can be accessed directly from the ‘cell’ .. the planet that we live on… is quite believable.

    This is what Tesla discussed in his last public speech.

    The concept is not.. and has not ever been… getting ‘something from nothing’.

  13. I saw this in a documentary… i can’t remember the name… but i do remember the a Quote ” …the overthruster mr john bigbootie…”

  14. Free you mind!

    THERE ARE a few men who control the fossil fuel (petrol dollar) kingdom and will do anything to protect it keeping the status quo . . . . . THERE ARE men who have managed to implement central banks in almost every country in the world and will kill presidents to protect it (Kennedy) . . . THERE ARE people who want you to think these ideas are ridiculous (lets label them conspiracy theorists . . and then vilify them) because they want to protect their little kingdom of oil, or banking . . . or you fill in the blank . . . . . The end of these fiefdoms is coming . . . . hasten the process by asking the question . . . . why . . . . even when you might be ridiculed by your peers.


    1. Yes, that is the situation. How to free our selves is the question and joining together as a people our challenge.

      Free energy is not energy from nothing. It is energy that exists within the system. Water contains a huge amount of energy. The very air we breath holds a massive amount of energy.

      If we learn to tap into the energy that surrounds us in a manner that does not damage the environment we may be able to reverse the damage we have done thus far.

      That should be and would be the goal of all of humanity, if it were not for the situation posted here/ described by William Bennett..

      There are those in power who do not want to change. They are happy with things as they are. Sadly, they have convinced many of us that there is no other path humanity can take.

      WAKE UP! YOU ARE BEING LIED TO… on a daily basis.

      When a lie is exposed it looses its ability to blind us.

      Make an effort to be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

      There are those who are paid to TROLL these sites and to ridicule those who point out cracks in the official position.

      Educate yourself by seeking out information that is not acceptable to those who are threatened by change.

      Change is inevitable.

      Become a force for positive change instead of believing the lies of those who benefit from maintaining the status quo.

      Real change does not flow from those who are in power. It never has.

  15. Lets be clear, there are idiots and trolls online, some even get paid to troll various sites.Collin Milhuisen may just be one of those two, People said the automobile would never work, man would never fly and the world is flat and we will fall off if we ever sailed to the end. Not too long ago we couldn’t even ackowledge a falling star without the catholic church placing you under house arrest for life. muammer yildez makes a magnetic motor and has proven and demonstrated several times, mr keshe has released patents and holds work shops that teach how to create energy without the use of fossil fuels that it does in deed work. I am not sure what Collin Milhuisen gets out of trolling instead of researching, but i encourage all parties interested in alternate to check out the names mentioned above, you’ll be amazed!

  16. You have a good market in Nigeria, the government generates 3000MW for distribution companies to supply to 150 million people. We depend on generators from China and a constantly burning diesel and petrol. With the increase in pump price today for petrol the nights will be darker. Your market is here.

  17. go to youtube and see many men who have made their own energy free generators and see with your eyes and contact them and ask questions folks, it’s that easy!

  18. Don’t confirm that perpetual motion machine is impossible . crores of intellectual brains are thinking and putting maximum efforts on this concept . ancient thearies and laws may be broken and we may get free energy within few days , weeks , months , or years let us hope for the best . let us encourage those intellectual and don’t comment with filthy language try to respect their dedication , and efforts irrespective of their monitory loss , family and social humiliation .
    Try to participate in evaluation if you are a learned . you might have not able to see the angle which is seen by a new inventor .
    Be liberal and try to invite new invention .

  19. proud to an indian for the invention motor thanks Dr Tiwari

  20. How is it possible to be a dealer in Australia ???

  21. Silly academics, why did you stop asking why?

    Because they told you to and pointed out the law that told you that you could not.

  22. i have my own design of reactionless or lenzless generator. It is based on Resonance.

    1. Why not share with the world. ??

  23. how can i get it Nigeria needs this generator how can i get to you people please

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