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Blood Electrifier Successful Replication by Mike Finley

Michael Finley of

Back in March 2014, Mike Finley of Illinois informed me about his successful replication of the blood electrifier using the instructions from our eBook.

Prior to his final testing, we had a very healthy conversation which should help anyone contemplating to do the same.

The video will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, here are the pictures…

Our conversation…

The following exchanges of emails should give you the inspiration to replicate the blood electrifier which could help you eradicate any immune disorders like we, here at eClinik, used to have.

Due to this gadget, and others in the protocol, we have not visited the drugstore for the last 7 years now. I personally, used to visit the hospital twice a year for my vasculitis, but no more.

Anyway, Mike has approved the posting of all materials related to his successful replication of the blood electrifier, the same device we were using since 2008.

I just noticed that our conversation have spanned for an entire year 😉


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about colloidal silver device
From: eClinik
Date: Wed, February 20, 2013 12:14 am
To: Mike Finley

On 2/20/2013 11:35 AM, Mike Finley wrote:

I am so grateful for this book. I have read of the things you have in here but never have seen it put together so well and in such a clear, concise manner. I have ordered all the parts for most of the devices and only have 1 question if you don’t mind.

For the colloidal silver device, does it matter what size the glass of water is? For the 15 min, should it be a 12oz glass or 8oz?



Hi Mike:

We are using 8 oz glass for this one.

The actual timing could vary depending on the actual voltage and temperature. So, the best way to verify if silver ions are already present in water is to project a laser beam which should render a coherent light across the colloid. [Laser beam scatters when water is still free from silver ions.]

You might need to go up to 20 or 25 minutes during low ambient temperatures, and longer if battery is already weak. For as long as the 20ml daily dosage for adult [10ml kids] is maintained, you should be alright. In our case case, we sometimes go overboard but that’s just us.

As a policy, we don’t recommend taking more than the recommended 20ml daily dosage, especially when just starting up on the whole protocol, because the parasite population is still great and you will be neutralizing a lot of them simultaneously, which could overload our biofilter system, i.e. liver and kidneys.

Always drink plenty of clean ozonized water. Headaches, fever and skin rashes are early signs that you are not detoxifying efficiently.

If there’s any other clarifications you might need, please feel free to contact us again.

We’re glad to be of help.


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about colloidal silver device
From: eClinik
Date: Wed, February 20, 2013 7:59 am
To: Mike Finley

On 2/20/2013 9:57 PM, Mike Finley wrote:


Thanks again for this groundbreaking book and your feedback. God bless and peace to you!


My pleasure, Mike.



On 2/19/2014 2:11 PM, Mike Finley wrote:


I hope you are well. I was wondering what the differences were between version 1.2 and 2.0 of the download? I have 1.2 and am just wondering in general what the new version has included.



——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Wed, February 19, 2014 12:21 am
To: Mike Finley

Hi, Mike:
Thank you for contacting us today.

Re your question:

The second version is more user-friendly. We’ve added more illustrated guide in the area of electronics, among others.
It also has a new chapter which gives deeper understanding of the human body and life in general.

Some topics are also expanded based on clarificatory questions being sent in.

We will continue to improve this work.

Regards to the family.



On 2/20/2014 1:05 PM, Mike Finley wrote:


Thanks for the quick response. I am very grateful for all of your efforts with this document!

I was able to successfully create the frequency generator based on your 1.2 plans. I am wondering what I should be seeing if I have a DMM connected to the 2 electrodes that will be attached to the wrist. I believe I am seeing approx. 10v to -10v cycling back and forth. Also, what does the 500k potentiometer do this output?

Thanks again and Peace,


——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Thu, February 20, 2014 12:50 am
To: Mike Finley


Due to the speed of the pulses, you won’t be seeing the accurate voltage readings.

Minus the circuit voltage drop, you should be getting 50v peak-to-peak, instead of 27x 2 = 54v. This is more than enough for the treatment, that is why there’s a 100k variable resistor for the user to limit the actual current to his comfort level. There’s always a need to adjust this resistor, i.e. by lowering the resistance, as the battery weakens over time.

Thanks again for contacting us.



On 2/21/2014 12:23 AM, Mike Finley wrote:

Thanks again!


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Thu, February 20, 2014 10:50 am
To: Mike Finley

My pleasure…

——– Original Message ——–
Subject: RE: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: “Mike Finley”
Date: Mon, March 17, 2014 2:58 pm
To: “eClinik”


I recently finished my blood electrifier that was built using your EP V1.2 document plans.

I created a video and took some pictures during the process of building it and wanted to share them on my blog along with a pointer to your v2.0 document. I was wondering if you could review the video and tell me what you think. I made a couple of cosmetic changes (dc switch and banana plugs) and am still wanting to make sure the entire circuit is working correctly. Here is a link to the video if you care to take a look:

Also, wondering if you have any success stories that I could share.



On 3/20/2014 6:18 AM, Mike Finley wrote:

Ed…just wanted to make sure you saw this.

Thanks again,


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Thu, March 20, 2014 1:01 am
To: Mike Finley

Congratulations, Mike!

I should say that your rig is well built, and is functioning very well, with reference to the LED which is blinking very nicely.

Anyway, I have a few notes/suggestions:

Also try testing your output in AC meter setting; your output is already 4.2Hz pulsating AC, i.e. 4.2 pulses per second [reversing polarity every time it fires]; you should see a pulsing readout, without the polarity of course; expected max output is 50 V peak to peak, gradually lowers over time [30 days or so];

When you were turning the intensity knob, I think when you said “a hundred” and turning the same knob counterclockwise, you are referring to full 100k ohms, right? The result of which should be the lowest output, because you are increasing the resistance to a full 100,000 ohms of the potentiometer. Higher resistance gives lower output. This is a correct connection; no need to change anything. My only concern is the interpretation. 😉

Have you tested it on your wrist already?

Also, can i post your work in our blog? I’m sure everybody would like to see what you’ve done.

Would appreciate future updates, too.

Thank you very much in advance.


On 3/21/2014 1:08 AM, Mike Finley wrote:


Thanks for the feedback! Yes, it is a 100K potentiometer and I misspoke on the video. I will note that or redo that section of the video. I have not tried it yet…I just wanted to ensure I had done everything correctly before doing so. I will try the AC test and appreciate that feedback.

Please feel free to use anything and share on your blog. And I will keep you posted on any updates.

Eternally grateful,


——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Thu, March 20, 2014 8:35 pm
To: Mike Finley

You’re welcome, Mike.

And thanks for the permission to showcase your work on the blog.



On 3/22/2014 1:38 AM, Mike Finley wrote:


Hope you are doing well today…Just a quick follow up on AC testing. I am seeing a range of +16 to +25 on the AC settings. Do think I may have something wrong with the circuit?

Maybe an incorrect resistor or something?

Thanks again,


——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Fri, March 21, 2014 8:37 pm
To: Mike Finley

No, you’re doing ok.

Your digital meter is designed to “hold” a readout for a certain amount of time so that you, the user, will be able to read it. Otherwise, if it is displaying the readout in real time, you won’t be able to do so, as the pulses is changing relatively fast.

The final testing would be on your wrist, where you can feel the pulses reversing in polarity. And you can adjust its intensity to your liking.

Congratulations again, Mike!


On 3/23/2014 1:44 PM, Mike Finley wrote:

Ed…Thanks again. That is good to hear. Time to give it a try.

Are you ok with me putting the parts list and where I purchased them from on my blog? I don’t want to overstep any bounds or affect sales of your document. I also took some pictures during the process of building it.



——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Sun, March 23, 2014 1:39 am
To: Mike Finley

Hi, Mike:

You can help your friends and blog guests in any way you deem fit, Mike.
Please extend my regards to all of them.


On 3/24/2014 10:43 PM, Mike Finley wrote:


Thanks again and I finally tried it out yesterday with success. Cheers to the future elimination of insurance and modern day medical practices 😉



——– Original Message ——–

Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Mon, March 24, 2014 11:20 pm
To: Mike Finley

Just don’t forget to start slowly, Mike, and drink plenty of water. Follow all precautions, too. You are now in full control of your own health.



——– Original Message ——–
Subject: Re: Question about Towards Healthcare Emancipation
From: eClinik
Date: Mon, March 25, 2014 10:35 pm
To: Mike Finley

Thanks for the reminder…

Towards Healthcare Emancipation 2.x by Edgar Capilitan Enero

3 thoughts on “Blood Electrifier Successful Replication by Mike Finley

  1. I ordered your book, but it didn’t show up in my mailbox. Can you send it to me? I made a paypal payment with **

    1. Please check your inbox and spam folder, Loic.

      We already sent the links twice through two of our email accounts.

      Thank you very much for your support.

  2. I didn’t receive your book in my mailbox. I paid with ****. Can you send it to me?

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