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Top Six Factors Predicting Heart Attack Risk

The heart is one of the most privileged organ as it is the only one that doesn’t or rarely experience cancer at all. This is because it is always flooded with freshly oxygenated blood from its friend, i.e. lungs.

But even then, the heart is vulnerable to other stresses which could lead to a very sudden and catastrophic scenario which most victims are not prepare of, i.e. heart attacks.

Here’s a compelling view of how a heart attack occurs, its possible causes which ran counter to the popularly held  view of clogged arteries, and most importantly, how we can avoid it now.

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Avocado: A Superfood that You Can Grow Today

There’s a ton of reasons why everyone must grow this fruit in their backyards. Avocado is considered a superfood for its variety of benefits in terms of nutrients, monosaturated fats and fiber.

This fruit is good for diabetics and those who want to lower their cholesterol levels, without sacrificing the goodness that comes with eating most fruits.

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