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Ozone Therapy Can Cure Ebola

Here at eClinik, ozone therapy is just one part of the whole eTherapy protocol as described on our homepage.

But even with this one treatment alone, a decisive method to cure Ebola is found.

This is what one doctor has found as he announced the first case of cured patient from the dreaded Ebola viral infection.

Press Release Announces World’s First Case of Cured Ebola

Nov 23, 2014
by Jeffrey Jaxen

In a recent press release titled “Rapid Ebola Infection Cure, November 22, 2014” Drs. Robert Rowen, of Santa Rosa California and Howard Robins, of New York City, have announced the first cure of the Ebola infection in the world with a safe treatment costing less than 40 USD. The treatment’s main pillar consists of direct intravenous infusion of ozone gas (DIV) with the additional aspects of oral vitamin C and glutathione support.

On Friday November 14, 2014, a physician at an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone in West Africa accidentally stabbed himself with an Ebola contaminated needle. Fortunately for the unlucky physician, Drs. Rowen and Robins had just finished an on-site training in Sierra Leone of the Rowen-Robins Ebola Treatment Protocol for the region’s health care professionals battling Ebola. According to the press release:

Upon the emergence of symptoms 2 days later on Sunday November 16, he called Kojo Carew, MD of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Dr. Carew is the physician in charge of maintaining the program and equipment/supplies brought and taught by Rowen/Robins who came to Sierra Leone to teach the protocol at the invitation of President Ernest Bai Koroma in October 2014. The infected doctor did not return to work on Monday November 17, 2014, which became his first day of treatment.

The press release goes on to describe the immediate collaboration across borders that led to what appears to be the world’s first successful cure of the Ebola infection.

Dr. Rowen was informed of the needle stick on Sunday November 16, 2014, but was not advised that symptoms had yet developed. Rowen sent back instructions to treat him preventively and immediately with the protocol, believing the exposed doctor to be at great risk for symptoms to develop within 5 days. Dr. Robins, informed shortly after, concurred with the preventive protocol and urgency of treatment

This press release comes on the heels of November 7th interview of Dr. Rowan by Alex Jones of in which the doctor chronicled his recent experience teaching the medical professionals in Sierra Leone. Particularly telling was Dr. Rowen’s description of the suppression he witnessed by the Minister of Health and his Deputies concerning his ozone therapy. According to Dr. Rowen’s account, “The medical staff at the Ebola center jockeyed, they vied to get (ozone) treatments to protect themselves.” He continues, “A call came in when we were there from the Minister of Health and then a second call came in from the Deputy Minister of Health telling the military major (who was in charge of the government facility) ‘If you value your job, there will be no ozone treatments at the facility’”. Against this backdrop of information, one can get a better understanding of the November 22nd press release when it states:

The doctor chose not to get an Ebola blood test at the time. A positive test would have mandated forced confinement in an Ebola treatment center where he would have been denied the ozone therapy. He believed this would likely have cost him his life, as the best clinics in Sierra Leone have a 60% death rate.”

The recent press release concludes by stating:

Today, November 22, 2014, Dr. “X” is in apparent good health and completely symptom free.”

Dr. Rowen has been working with ozone therapy since 1986 which makes him the most experienced practitioner in North America. According to Dr. Rowen, the key benefits of ozone therapy are:

  • It can be administered at less than a dollar per treatment
  • It improves the realogic properties of blood flow (blood flows better)
  • It releases more oxygen from the red blood cells and it helps the mitochondria burn that oxygen to make energy
  • It modulates the immune system
  • Ozone is directly viral inactivating by biochemical processes (viruses are inactivated by oxidation and ozone is the ultimate oxidant and it’s non-toxic)

Taking the press release at face value, it would be of great importance for sustained, worldwide pressure to be applied to Dr. Abu Bakarr Fofanah, the current Minister of Health and Sanitation who is running the conventional Ebola treatment facilities (minus ozone therapy) in Sierra Leone. It is essential that he understand that the world’s eyes are now on him and evaluating his reasoning to exclude, what appears to be, a viable Ebola cure available to his people now.

For more information please visit the following links:

Dr. Robert Rowen

Robert Rowen MD on YouTube

Dr. Howard Robins & Team Taking Ozone

Robert Rowen, MD and Howard Robins, DPM​
Press Release: Rapid Ebola Infection Cure, November 22, 2014

​ Drs. Robert Rowen, of Santa Rosa California and Howard Robins, of New York City, announce the first cure of the Ebola infection in the world with a safe treatment costing less than 40 USD. On Friday November 14, 2014, a physician at an Ebola treatment center in Sierra Leone in West Africa accidentally stabbed himself with an Ebola contaminated needle.

This doctor had been recently trained in the Rowen-Robins Ebola Treatment Protocol, which uses the specific Robins Method of Direct Intravenous infusion of ozone gas (DIV). Upon the emergence of symptoms 2 days later on Sunday November 16, he called Kojo Carew, MD of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Dr. Carew is the physician in charge of maintaining the program and equipment/supplies brought and taught by Rowen/Robins who came to Sierra Leone to teach the protocol at the invitation of President Ernest Bai Koroma in October 2014.  The infected doctor did not return to work on Monday November 17, 2014, which became his first day of treatment.

Dr. Rowen was informed of the needle stick on Sunday November 16, 2014, but was not advised that symptoms had yet developed. Rowen sent back instructions to treat him preventively and immediately with the protocol, believing the exposed doctor to be at great risk for symptoms to develop within 5 days. Dr. Robins, informed shortly after, concurred with the preventive protocol and urgency of treatment.

Unbeknownst to Dr. Rowen, symptoms did develop on day 2 (Sunday November 16) -the doctor reported high fever, loss of appetite, abdominal distress, and significant fatigue, which symptoms were rapidly progressing, classic signs of Ebola. Treatment began the third day after the needle-stick.

After just 2 days of treatment (November 18, 2014), all symptoms were gone..  The doctor chose not to get an Ebola blood test at the time. A positive test would have mandated forced confinement in an Ebola treatment center where he would have been denied the ozone therapy. He believed this would likely have cost him his life, as the best clinics in Sierra Leone have a 60% death rate.

Rowen and Robins did not want to wait for a positive test, which can take several days to occur, believing the earlier this life-taking viral infection is aggressively treated, the higher the chances of recovery. Active treatment will be maintained for at least 10 days with reduced frequency for 7 days thereafter.

Confinement at a conventional Ebola treatment facility would have denied him continuing ozone therapy, which, in a first-time ever for the world, quickly reversed manifestation of the lethal Ebola disease. DIV ozone therapy is considered “experimental” for Ebola at this time and thus is not permitted in the treatment centers as yet, however, other experimental treatments are permitted. Today, November 22, 2014, Dr. “X” is in apparent good health and completely symptom free.

Drs. Rowen and Robins are extremely pleased that the inexpensive DIV ozone, together with the other aspects of the treatment protocol (oral vitamin C, glutathione support)has resulted in the world’s first, fast, complete recovery from Ebola symptoms.

This release is put out before publication in a medical journal as Rowen and Robins believe that this news can and should lead to many saved lives, which to them are more important than routine medical reporting protocol; and that health authorities around the world now need to open their “eyes and minds” to thinking “out of the box” when approaching this lethal disease. Rowen and Robins remain continuously available for assisting in the world’s Ebola relief effort.

Summary: Ebola infection cured with extremely inexpensive and totally safe treatment.  

Robert Rowen, MD  2200 county Center Dr. Ste C, Santa Rosa, CA 95403 707-578-7787

Howard Robins, 200 W. 57th St  #807, New York, NY 10019  516-967-1009 


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