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The Most Censored Health News Stories of 2014

Relevant health news are one of those closely guarded media topics that the Cabal, who appointed talking heads at the top echelons of the government and other regulatory institutions, have full controlled of.

We cannot expect the mass media outlets to tell us the Whole Story.

Cherry picking on the topics of the day, there’s no real education whatsoever. Only the endless cycle of mindless crap that keep us entertained and distracted.

The only consolation is the fact that we now have the internet. Today, we can collate our own news and be empowered by the free flowing of knowledge and ideas.

It is therefore imperative that we must protect the Net from being subjugated by the global-wide Organized Crime Cabal, and sustained the massive awakening that would someday led us to our collective freedom from the clutches of legalized slavery and institutionalized eugenics.

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Youngest Medical Cannabis Patient Is Curing Her Cancer

cannPaediatric cannabis therapy is saving children. Awareness is the most important thing at this moment. This young lady is finishing up her last bit of required chemotherapy (because she is a child,  her parents had no choice) treatment, so take a moment to send her your love and healing vibes, and then read away. You can stay updated on her story via the links throughout this article (in bold), which will take you to her Facebook page which is run by her parents, and her website.

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Why does our body’s pH matters?

Parasites prefer acidic environment. They replicate faster when our pH falls below 7.41 for the blood. In fact, all cancer patients are grossly acidic and the continued use of chemotherapy may not be in their best interest.

Empirically, there’s a reason why we vomit when we have too much liquor the night before, especially with an empty stomach. That is acidity shooting up to the point that the whole system just can’t take it anymore.

So, why should we take substances that the body itself refuses to accept?

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Ozone Therapy Can Cure Ebola

Here at eClinik, ozone therapy is just one part of the whole eTherapy protocol as described on our homepage.

But even with this one treatment alone, a decisive method to cure Ebola is found.

This is what one doctor has found as he announced the first case of cured patient from the dreaded Ebola viral infection.

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8 Proofs We Don’t Need GMOs to Feed the World

Do we really need Monsanto’s GMOs to feed the world? Looking at the research and the studies, the answer is quite clear. Let’s take a look at the 8 proofs that we most certainly do not need GMOs to feed the world:

1. One Organic Rooftop Farm Can Feed 9000 People


One organic rooftop farm can feed 9000 people. They don’t use pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides, and they provide fresh produce to their community year-round (1). This is a big slap in the face to the biotech companies who lie, saying that GMO is needed to feed the world. This is only one urban farm bucking the system.

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GMOs linked to gluten disorders plaguing 18 million Americans – report


Genetically modified foods such as soy and corn may be responsible for a number of gluten-related maladies including intestinal disorders now plaguing 18 million Americans, according to a new report released on Tuesday.

The report was released by the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), and cites authoritative data from the US Department of Agriculture, US Environmental Protection Agency records, medical journal reviews as well as  international research.

“Gluten sensitivity can range in severity from mild discomfort, such as gas and bloating, to celiac disease, a serious autoimmune condition that can, if undiagnosed, result in a 4-fold increase in death,” said  Jeffrey M. Smith, executive director of IRT in a statement released on their website.

Smith cited how a “possible environmental trigger may be the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to the American food supply, which occurred in the mid-1990s,” describing the nine GM crops currently on the market.

In soy, corn, cotton (oil), canola (oil), sugar from sugar beets, zucchini, yellow squash, Hawaiian papaya, and alfalfa,  “Bt-toxin, glyphosate, and other components of GMOs, are linked to five conditions that may either initiate or exacerbate gluten-related disorders,” according to Smith.

It’s the BT-toxin in genetically modified foods which kills insects by “puncturing holes in their cells.” The toxin is present in ‘every kernel’ of Bt-corn and survives human digestion, with a 2012 study confirming that it punctures holes in human cells as well.

The GMO-related damage was linked to five different areas: Intestinal permeability, imbalanced gut bacteria, immune activation and allergic response, impaired digestion, and damage to the intestinal wall.

The IRT release also indicated that glyphosate, a weed killer sold under the brand name ‘Roundup’ was also found to have a negative effect on intestinal bacteria. GMO crops contain high levels of the toxin at harvest.

“Even with minimal exposure, glyphosate can significantly reduce the population of beneficial gut bacteria and promote the overgrowth of harmful strains,” the report found.

Dr. Tom O’Bryan, internationally recognized expert on gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease, says that “the introduction of GMOs is highly suspect as a candidate to explain the rapid rise in gluten-related disorders over the last 17 years.”

Internist, Emily Linder, offered some backup for the report’s findings. She removed GMO from her patients’ diets, finding that recovery from intestinal diseases was faster and more complete.

“I believe that GMOs in our diet contribute to the rise in gluten-sensitivity in the US population,” Linder said in the release.

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