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The Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Exceeds Billions

(INTELLIHUB) — Geoengineering has now been defined as: “the deliberate large-scale manipulation of the planetary environment to counteract anthropogenic climate change.” – The Royal Society 2009

Recently the question has been asked: What in the world are they spraying? And a documentary with the same name answers many of those questions.

However, the question the world is now asking is: Who is spraying us? (exposed in the documentary film Shade) Continue reading The Secret Presidential Chemtrail Budget Exceeds Billions

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Imagine Putting Pathogens in the Clouds | Ken Calderia, GeoEngineer

Social engineering involves different fields of science, finance, politics, entertainment and religion. The basic task is to put the population into a certain path, way of thinking, predictable behavior through deliberate yet subtle psychologically embedded restrictions and false mantra.

Continue reading Imagine Putting Pathogens in the Clouds | Ken Calderia, GeoEngineer