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Climate’s Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide is Much Lower than Was Thought

Climate change, or its predecessor global warming, is based on the false application of climate models which resulted to the over-estimation of future global warming temperatures by “as much as 10 times,” thus is the conclusion reached from a mathematical discovery by one Pert-based electrical engineer, Dr. David Evans. Continue reading Climate’s Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide is Much Lower than Was Thought

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When Plutocrats Own the Weather & Nobody is Buying the “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

There are at least two notable human pursuits that have endured across the ages, i.e. physical immortality and the ability to tame nature.

The hunt for the fountain of youth and the ability to please and summon the gods to alter the weather so that rain may fall and crops may grow, have encouraged barbaric rituals, propelled sciences to greater heights, and motivated wars and conflict causing the rise and fall of empires.

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Italians Stage Impressive Anti-Geoengineering Protest

The issue about the deliberate use of toxic, carcinogenic chemicals associated with chemtrails and geoengineering in general,  is beginning to hit mainstream.

We must sustain all efforts in spreading the facts. There will be a worldwide protest against geoengineering and chemtrail attacks on April 15th.

But the Italians could’t wait any longer…

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