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When Plutocrats Own the Weather & Nobody is Buying the “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

There are at least two notable human pursuits that have endured across the ages, i.e. physical immortality and the ability to tame nature.

The hunt for the fountain of youth and the ability to please and summon the gods to alter the weather so that rain may fall and crops may grow, have encouraged barbaric rituals, propelled sciences to greater heights, and motivated wars and conflict causing the rise and fall of empires.

Such is the frailty of man, ignorant about his own spiritual immortality, oblivious about his being part of Nature, herself immortal and godly. So, he ventured upon the complete control of Science and all the technological advancements only for himself and himself alone.

At least 100 years ago, humanity has already acquired the ability to control all planetary parameters, e.g. weather engineering, longevity, fuel less engines and light speed travel, which should qualify us as a Type 1 civilization.

But, as the old adage says, “a little knowledge is very dangerous,” his incomplete understanding of himself and Nature pushes him to misuse the ability to control the weather to eliminate others as if his eventual exclusive reign on the planet would make him immortal.

The present empire is far resilient than its predecessors combined. That’s because it has mastered the art of controlling the mind above all other sciences.

We, too, are equally irresponsible to have allowed the reign of these plutocrats who have not toiled to make these scientific achievements a reality.  We fall for the deceptive excuse of climate change, overpopulation, silly concept of god’s will, and the unbreakable limits of dogmatic science.

We consented to the madness of the unwise.

‘Here is the Bureau of Reclamation’s promotional video entitled “ Mountain Skywater” discussing the effectiveness of the US. government program.

Weather Warfare, March 20, 1967 — July 5, 1972

Operation Popeye first came to public light in March 1971, when reporter Jack Anderson published a story based on a secret 1967 memo from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to President Johnson. The memo read:  “Laos operations – Continue as at present plus Pop Eye to reduce the trafficability [sic] along infiltration routes & Authorization requested to implement operational phase of weather modification process previously successful tested and evaluated in some area”. (US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; 26 July 1972; p. 5).

Members of Congress pressed the Pentagon to unveil details of the weather modification program. Senator Claiborne Pell, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment, and later chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, was the engine behind that effort, although there were others, both in the Senate and the House, who devoted energy to it.

Rainmaking operations were a source of concern not only because the impact of the operations themselves, but because they were seen as opening the door to a new and dangerous type of warfare. Severe rains and typhoons in North Vietnam in 1971 added to concern, a link to the U.S. cloud seeding operations was suspected.   According to Pell:

Rainmaking as a weapon of war can only lead to the development of vastly more dangerous environmental techniques whose consequences may be unknown and may cause irreparable damage to our global environment. This is why the United States must move quickly to ban all environmental or geophysical modification techniques from the arsenals of war.

(US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; July 26, 1972; p. 4)

On 23 September 1971, Pell sent a letter to the Defense Department requesting information on Operation Popeye. After waiting 4 months to answer, the Defense Department declined to reply on the basis that it would threaten national security. (US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; 26 July 1972; p. 4). Testifying to the Senate on 18 April 1972, Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird denied any weather modification in Northern Vietnam, saying “we have never engaged in that type of activity over Northern Vietnam.”

(Quoted in: US Senate, Subcommittee on Oceans and International Environment; March 20, 1974; p. 109.).

Laird wasn’t the only official whose 1972 weather modification testimony was untruthful.

Benjamin Forman, a senior Department of Defense lawyer, reiterated Laird’s denial later that year: “We have not, as Secretary Laird has previously said, ever engaged in weather modification activities in Northern Vietnam.”

At the same hearing, the Deputy Director of the US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency had similar difficulties. Asked by Senator Pell if rainmaking projects had been approved by Laos and Thailand, Philip Farley replied: “I don’t wish even to admit, sir, that there were such projects.” [13]

The Vietnam war’s cloud-seeding bombs were made at Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, California.

International Ban on Weather Warfare and (some) transparency in Weather Modification

As a result of the weather warfare over Vietnam and the lies told by top brass at the U.S. military during Congressional testimony, an international ban on weather warfare was drafted and signed in 1978 and numerous weather modification reporting laws were passed in the United States of America.

  • Weather Modification Reporting Act of 1972 – Public Law 92-205  “AN ACT To provide for the reporting of weather modification activities to the Federal Government” [14] 15 CFR Part 908 — “Maintaining Records and Submitting Reports on Weather Modification Activities” [15] – NOAA reporting forms [16][17]
  • National Weather Modification Policy Act of 1976 – Public Law 94-490 “AN ACT To authorize and direct tlie Secretary of Commerce to develop a national policy on weather modification, and for other purposes” [18] 15 U.S. Code Chapter 9A – “Weather Modification Activities or Attempts; Reporting Requirement” [19]
  • ENMOD 1978Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques –  International ban on weather modification for the purpose of warfare. [20]

In addition, Congress ordered a full accounting of weather modification activities across the United States of America.

  • Weather Modification: Programs, Problems, Policy, and Potential – Prepared at the Request of Hon. Howard W. Cannon, Chairman Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate [21]
  • Summary of Weather Modification Activities Reported in 1979, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Office of Research and Development [22]’

Cloud seeding went from invention, to nationwide experimentation, and finally weaponization in less than thirty years.”

While they manipulate the weather to support the global warming, or climate change false narratives, they are also establishing trillion dollar industries that would reduce carbon emissions, on top of the the carbon taxes floated before, all purposely to siphon funds from UN member countries into their pockets.

“The heart of the issue (for those who need it elaborated) is this: the future of $90 trillion of energy infrastructure investments and the $1 trillion green bond market and the multi-trillion dollar carbon trading market and the $391 billion (and growing) climate finance industry hangs in the balance.

Of course it does. What else explains the convergence of interest in the organizations, structures and mechanisms for global governance that the magical global thermostat narrative affords?

It’s why Enron and Goldman Sachs pioneered the emissions trading swindles (that–surprise, surprise!–are a complete and total fraud from top to bottom).

It’s why General Electric, DuPont, Johnson & Johnson, Pepsi, Siemens, AIG and a host of other Fortune 500/CFR companies joined BP, ConocoPhillips, GM and a host of other oiligarch companies as founding members of the US Climate Action Partnership whose “Blueprint for Legislative Action” became the backbone of the Wall Street-backed Waxman-Markey bill of 2009.

It’s why the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are at the forefront of the climate hysteria.

It’s why over 400 global institutional investors worth over $25 trillion have decided to cash in on the bonanza with their “Investment Platform for Climate Actions.”

Heck, it’s why EDF, Engie, Air France, Renault, BNP Paribas and a host of other oiligarch companies footed 20% of the bill for the Paris conference itself (and why the French government bent over backwards to point out their “green” credentials).

Take just one structural element of the climate swindle: the Green Climate Fund. Never heard of it? Hardly surprising. It’s just the facility through which the UN is expected to be clearing $100 billion in climate funding per year by the end of the decade. That’s right: $100 billion per year. Every year.

The Fund was established at the 2010 edition of the UN Climate Conference (COP16) in Mexico in order “to support concrete mitigation actions by developing countries that are implemented in a transparent way,” which is UN Newspeak for “create a bottomless trough of pork for corrupt kleptocrats, bureaucrats, kakistocrats and tyrants to siphon off before funneling some loose change into some makework projects.” And it brags that it represents “a new and equitable form of global governance to respond to the global challenge of climate change” which you hardly need the globalist decoder to figure out. The Fund is headquartered in the Songdo Business District of Incheon, South Korea, because the Korean Secretary-General of the UN and the Korean President of the World Bank probably just threw darts at a map (since, as we all know, blatant political nepotism never happens at those institutions).

Even the Fund’s biggest supporters are criticizing the “transparent way” it is handling its first disbursement. The Fund claims it consulted indigenous communities before approving $6.2 million for a Peruvian wetlands resilience programme, but there is no verification that this ever took place. Worse, details of the projects it has decided to fund so far have not been publicly released, only proposal documents (and in two cases, only a summary).

But for those who still believe this money is being handled by angels with nothing but the best interests of humanity in mind, note this passage from the Nature article on the Fund’s shadiness:

“For some, another contentious issue is that the GCF is flowing its money mainly through international organizations, such as multilateral or private banks such as the World Bank and Deutsche Bank — rather than sending it directly to institutions in developing countries where the projects are taking place.”

For some? You mean, for people with their head screwed on straight?

Oh, and the kicker? The Fund’s Executive Director just happens to be an ex-Citibank investment banker. Who woulda thunk it?

Yes, the global climate swindle is well under way, brought to you by the same trustworthy folks in the banking industry and in the Fortune 500 / CFR / globalist jetset who have been steering us into the happy economic, political and environmental conditions that we enjoy today…”

Not only that they’ll gain considerable “liquidity,” but also justify the need to reduce the population, the number one source of carbon emissions according to vaccine advocate Bill Gates .

All is well and good in Kleptoland until the non-aligned nations on Earth, together with the BRICS Collective, started planning for the systematic downfall of the Bilderbergers, by moving away from fiat dollar, among other strategic covert measures now forcing the Western Oligarchy to sit on the table with Russia about the Syrian issue, and the successful conclusion of the Iran Nuclear Deal.

This is the cause why those who have expressed commitment to the Paris Climate Conference last year are not about to put substance to the “save the planet” rhetoric yet.

“If there’s any bright spot in all of this it’s that so far the Fund has only managed to raise just over $10 billion in pledges from the developed countries. And even that is an inflated number which includes the $3 billion which Obama made a big show of pledging in 2014 but so far hasn’t actually delivered. It’s a long way to go to get to that $100 billion/year mark they’re hoping to reach by 2020.

Don’t feel too sorry for the globalists, though. Their game is a war of attrition, and as long as people continue to buy into the narrative that all of this money is going to help the poor and downtrodden (by way of the UN and the World Bank and their corporate crony Wall Street financial institutions) then it’s only a matter of time before this thin edge of climate cronyism turns into the full wedge of global kleptocracy.”

They are now waiting for the unfolding of something big, hopefully within the next quarter, or the second half of this year.

The recent defeat of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia in the Middle East, the global crime syndicate that controlled world finance and corporate governments around the world for the last 80 years, or so, has also crippled its ability to control the “climate change” narrative as the coercion factor dissipates.

Although, there’s still a lot of work to be done before the formal announcement of the global reset, it’s still good to know that we are now moving towards a more positive future for humanity.

One of the suppressed technologies that will soon be released has to do with longevity.

We’ve been here before. Countless archaeological evidences are showing we have undergone so many cycles of decays and repopulations, because we have never learned yet that passivity, too, is a disease which needs to be cured.

Never forget that the enemy still has access to weather weapons, and carbon is not the culprit, but an essential component of life on this planet.

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