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Big Pharma’s Shameful Secret & Government’s Genocidal Culpability

We started this blog when we could not contain our anger and frustration against the whole medical system anymore.

How is it that those who have the required education, claimed to have fully embraced the Hippocratic Oath, observed professional code of ethics, are themselves deliberately killing patients by the thousands with the very knowledge and tools they have professionally acquired?

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Clinical Trials Fraud & FDA Cover-Up

In the field of engineering, a licensed engineer will have to guarantee the quality of his work. Why is it that in the field of medicine, the doctor is not required to guarantee that his protocol or prescription works at all?

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Merck Vaccine Scientist Threatened with Jail Time for Data Fraud Exposé

By Mike Adams | Natural News

A Merck vaccine scientist was threatened with jail time for trying to expose the outright scientific fraud and data falsification being used by the vaccine industry to make its faulty products appear to work even when they don’t, according to a document filed with the United States government.

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