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Are you a Vaccine Heretic vs. Church of Big Pharma?

Big corporations are notoriously known to use branding as an effective tool for shutting down the debate and for conscripted experts to dominate the conversation by exploiting “authoritative” views and opinions, which have nothing to do with real, evidence-based science. Continue reading Are you a Vaccine Heretic vs. Church of Big Pharma?

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Here’s the Proof Flu Virus Was Deliberately Weaponized for Widest Transmission

This planet has already achieved a delicate balance between all species, long before we arrived. But the self-deluded geniuses wanted more excitement to the show. There is a conspiracy to spread the flu virus at the widest coverage possible, and it’s not just a theory. Continue reading Here’s the Proof Flu Virus Was Deliberately Weaponized for Widest Transmission

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Italian Parents Face Fine and Separation from their Own Unvaccinated Children

More and more countries have implemented what may be one of the most draconian policies being pressed hard upon, during the last Bilderberg meeting, i.e. mandatory vaccinations. Continue reading Italian Parents Face Fine and Separation from their Own Unvaccinated Children

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16 Million Americans Think Brown Cows Directly Produce Chocolate Milk

The true sad state of the American mind has been revealed in the latest Innovation Center of US Dairy survey, which suggest that more than 48% of Americans aren’t sure where chocolate milk comes from, and 7% are convinced it comes from brown cows! Continue reading 16 Million Americans Think Brown Cows Directly Produce Chocolate Milk

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Australian Goverment Forces its Will by Prosecuting Anti-Vax Nurses & Midwives

Let’s face it, we have government officials and so called “public servants” whose entire career is funded and controlled by the medical cartel, which in turn is just one part of the Pyramid of Cartels that is throwing all its weight against any corporate government, and corporate governments exist solely for controlling the behavior of the governed. Continue reading Australian Goverment Forces its Will by Prosecuting Anti-Vax Nurses & Midwives

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Top 10 Ways Humanity is Being Murdered

Of all the threats to humanity today, none is more destructive than modern-day “evidence-based science.” And by the word “science,” I don’t mean the humble pursuit of knowledge using genuine scientific methods. What I mean is the dogmatic, corporate-driven brand of distorted science based on falsified evidence, bribery of gatekeepers and corruption of government regulators. Continue reading Top 10 Ways Humanity is Being Murdered

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Monsanto’s Activities Tantamount to Human Rights Violations & Ecocide | Monsanto Tribunal

The Monsanto Tribunal is an international civil society initiative to hold Monsanto accountable for human rights violations and ecocide. Eminent judges heard testimonies from victims and experts. Then, they delivered a legal opinion following procedures of the International Court of Justice (on April 18th 2017, The Hague). Continue reading Monsanto’s Activities Tantamount to Human Rights Violations & Ecocide | Monsanto Tribunal

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Police Stumble on $500mn Opium Poppy Field in North Carolina

It’s been said that the use of organic opiates could induce “advanced thinking.”  This has been proven true when “undercover deputies in Catawba County, North Carolina stumbled on a field of opium poppy plants while conducting a separate investigation. The property owner, Cody Xiong was charged with manufacturing and trafficking opium, both felonies. ” Continue reading Police Stumble on $500mn Opium Poppy Field in North Carolina