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Save On Fuel & Engine Costs » Convert Cars, Gensets to Run on LPG, NG or HHO

This is something we can all try at home. It’s easier than you think and safer than pouring and stocking on gasoline.

Engines will run cleaner and air pollution is reduced. So, just ignore the energy and engine production sectors’ fear mongering and start tinkering.

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Canada’s Supreme Court Rules Medical Marijuana Legal in All Forms

This is an interesting gamble for the corporate government of Canada. While they are allowing the medical use of cannabis and sacrifice some of Big Pharma’s profit, they are also getting in return “high and happy” and, therefore, more manageable citizenry later on.

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50 US Hospitals Overcharge Uninsured by 1000% – Study

Fifty US hospitals charged uninsured patients an average of ten times more than they should have to provide medical care in 2012, a new study found. This equates to a patient who’s treatment should have cost $100, having to shell out $1,000.

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Is California Gov Jerry Brown Deliberately Murdering His Own Constituents?

We are living in a time when planetary parameters, e.g. atmospheric temperature, weather, are controllable. Desertification should become history by now, and yet there’s still drought in California.

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‘March Against Monsanto’: Protest Against GMO in 38 Countries Ongoing

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in 428 cities are expected to turn out this weekend to protest agribusiness giant Monsanto. The third annual ‘March Against Monsanto’ seeks to highlight the company’s part in control of the food supply.

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All Children Must Be Vaccinated by Law or Else…

If vaccines are really useful, parents don’t have to be forced by legislation to have their children vaccinated.

Parents would voluntarily submit their young for “protection” but considering  the number of early deaths associated with multiple vaccinations, and the fact that the vaccines themselves contained live virus as confirmed by CDC website literatures, the government is now taking the blackmailing route using defunding of public schools as a threat.

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Sham Cancer Charities Bilked Donors for $187 Million, Spent on Luxury

Government regulators have cracked down on four cancer charities, accusing the Cancer Fund of America, Cancer Support Services, the Children’s Cancer Fund of America, and the Breast Cancer Society of cheating donors out of $187 million.

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