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Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out Prostate and Bone Cancer

Vernon Johnson mixing sodium bicarbonate with molasses The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.
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The Most Censored Health News Stories of 2014

Relevant health news are one of those closely guarded media topics that the Cabal, who appointed talking heads at the top echelons of the government and other regulatory institutions, have full controlled of.

We cannot expect the mass media outlets to tell us the Whole Story.

Cherry picking on the topics of the day, there’s no real education whatsoever. Only the endless cycle of mindless crap that keep us entertained and distracted.

The only consolation is the fact that we now have the internet. Today, we can collate our own news and be empowered by the free flowing of knowledge and ideas.

It is therefore imperative that we must protect the Net from being subjugated by the global-wide Organized Crime Cabal, and sustained the massive awakening that would someday led us to our collective freedom from the clutches of legalized slavery and institutionalized eugenics.

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Accelerated Open Wound Healing is Now Possible

Accelerated wound healing is just one of the benefits of having a blood free from all types of parasites. You can cleanse your blood from all those parasites by following the eTherapy protocol described at our homepage.

Two days ago, a very interesting article describing a different approach came out of RT…

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