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Magic Mushrooms are ‘Safest Drugs’ Compared To LSD, Ecstasy & Cocaine

Magic mushrooms are “the safest drugs to take,” with people who consume them seeking less medical help than those who have used ecstasy, LSD or cocaine, according to a new report from the Global Drug Survey. Continue reading Magic Mushrooms are ‘Safest Drugs’ Compared To LSD, Ecstasy & Cocaine

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FDA Approved a $300,000-a-Year Drug Its Own Experts Didn’t Believe Worked

Most of the time, the pharmaceutical conscripts within the FDA will give the ceremonial nod first before a drug is allowed to flood the market. But a recent Wall Street Journal In-depth Report is now saying that sometimes an aggressive lobbying from the drug manufacturers, which have gained support from the patient’s loved ones, can also do the trick. Continue reading FDA Approved a $300,000-a-Year Drug Its Own Experts Didn’t Believe Worked

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Common Causes for Not Having a Good Night Sleep

Having a good night sleep is the most basic reward for a tired and weary hardworking body. Taking it for granted, or undermining its importance, greatly affects the quality of work done the next day. In extreme cases, lack of proper sleep might lead to accidents, loss of life and property. Continue reading Common Causes for Not Having a Good Night Sleep

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1 in 3 FDA-approved Drugs May Lead to Death | AMA Journal

A scathing post-market study on FDA-approved drugs conducted by some members of the American Medical Association has made it to the headlines. It concludes that almost “one-third of new drugs approved by U.S. regulators over a decade ended up years later with warnings about unexpected — sometimes life-threatening — side effects or complications.” Continue reading 1 in 3 FDA-approved Drugs May Lead to Death | AMA Journal

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High Sugar Diet Shortens Your Life Even After Diet Has Been Improved

Eating a high sugar diet shortens your life, even long after you improve what you eat, because during the time you spent eating badly your genes have been reprogrammed for the long-term, according to scientists, and there’s no cheating – low calorie sweeteners aren’t any better for you! Continue reading High Sugar Diet Shortens Your Life Even After Diet Has Been Improved

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Mandatory Vaccine Push by Big Pharma Tied to Australian Prime Minister’s Wife

Vaccines are a touchy subject in Australia, where government officials aggressively push for total compliance with vaccination mandates by whatever means possible. There is even a “No Jab No Pay” law on the books that essentially bars citizens from receiving government welfare unless they and their children are fully vaccinated. Continue reading Mandatory Vaccine Push by Big Pharma Tied to Australian Prime Minister’s Wife

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US Pharma Johnson & Johnson Loses $110mn Talc Cancer Case

The manufacturers of disease and drugs are working together. When the media is not effective in convincing you to patronize the whole enterprise, your government will make sure that you do. But sometimes, a crack within the system might allow the light to shine through. Continue reading US Pharma Johnson & Johnson Loses $110mn Talc Cancer Case

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Trump Nominates Big Pharma Stooge as FDA Commissioner

Entrusting your lifeline to long captured regulators like the Food and Drug Administration may be the stupidest thing one can do, but this US president is doing more than that. He is giving away control of the regulating body itself into the direct supervision of Big Pharma’s deeply embedded stooge himself. Continue reading Trump Nominates Big Pharma Stooge as FDA Commissioner

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What’s Wrong with America is What’s Wrong with Big Pharma

What’s wrong with America is what’s wrong with Big Pharma. And what’s wrong with Big Pharma is what’s wrong with America. This circular reality is aimed to be thoroughly covered in this presentation. This is the story of how Big Pharma seeks enormous profits over the health and well-being of the humans it serves, and how drug companies invasively corrupted the way that the healthcare industry delivers its vital services.
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