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63 Year Old Says Cannabis Oil Cured His Cancer

By Christina Sarich
A 63-year-old grandpa and retired builder from Hastings, East Sussex, England, says he cured himself of liver cancer by taking home-made cannabis oil. He received a liver transplant when he was diagnosed in 2009, but the disease returned in 2012, attacking the new organ he had undergone surgery to receive. His search for an alternative cure was led by desperation, but he is cancer-free today from his cannabis solution. Read more to find out how.
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EXPOSED: The Fake Battle to Label GMO & Why You Fell For It

There is a fake battle to label GMO in order to confine the whole discussion at the confines of label and not the outright banning of the whole GMO industry which only profits the Corporations and gradually kills the people which is really its prime objective.

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How Important Detoxification Really is?

Good nutrition and regular physical exercise are primary required in the field of survival. The first provides fuel, the latter enhances blood circulation which supplies nutrients and oxygen to “remote” parts of the body enhancing the overall health.

But we need to remove all the toxins, too, in order to bring all organs to their optimized conditions. Detoxification is, therefore, a primary requirement in proactive healthcare.

Here’s the empirical evidence…

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Healthcare Insurance Cost Just Doubled

From a reader


My wife and I own a small business and we had previously (in 2013)  been buying health insurance on our own for ourselves and our two kids.  The cost was about six hundred per month with a $5200 deductible, $6800 total out of pocket exposure for the family of four.

After spending months trying to register for the ACA in late 2013 and early 2014 my kids got put on our state’s insurance (at “no cost”) and my wife and I bagged an ACA policy at a subsidized cost of $281 per month with a total out of pocket of about $6500 (just for the two of us).

Attached is the ACA notification of next year’s price increase.  As you can see the cost goes from $281 to $555, a monthly increase of $274, a percentage increase of 97%. 

Basically we are now paying the same amount for the two of us that we paid for all four of us one year ago.

How can that increase occur in a “free market” economy?  Did I miss something? Has some input cost leaped exponentially in order to double the price I pay? Or has private industry colluded with government to rig the markets (again) in their favor?

How much longer will the American people allow corporations to rip them off in collusion with the government?  Fuck this bogus economy and government captured by corporations.  Where is the leader who will rise up from the masses and snuff out the corp/govt nexus before it imprisons us all in debt serfdom police state?

Do you think for one minute that freaking Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, John Boehner or anyone newly elected or previously elected cares one shit about my wife and kids or what we pay for crappy health care that we cannot afford to access due to high deductibles?  Those fucks cannot see beyond the next donor phone call, and only come clucking out of the hen house in order to give voice to the latest party certified political meme, be it ‘freedom’, ‘liberty’, ‘security” or some other hollowed out focus group tested bullshit sound bite.

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15 Beautiful Off-Grid Homes We’d Like to Live In

By Alison Nastasi on

The idea of eschewing electricity, running water, and the white picket fence is a terrifying prospect for the average American. Based on the number of modern off-grid homes in remote locations that rely on the sun and wind for energy, others clearly disagree. Earlier this week, we were charmed by an efficient, beautiful home located in the middle of a cornfield. We feature it past the break, along with other sustainable houses far from the rat race. These stunning, alternative abodes make a strong argument for unplugging and creating a green oasis away from it all.

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Living Off The Grid

Most of us desire freedom. But not all of us are willing to do what needs to be done in order to get there.

Living off the grid is the most decisive way to achieve freedom, but you need to learn a lot of things and a lot of skills in order to achieve it. But it is surely a step in the right direction, and the whole journey can be fun, too.

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The World’s Most Eco-Friendly All HEMP Car

By: Collective Evolution

You would never think that a single plant could solve most of the worlds problems, well it can. Hemp has over 50, 000 uses, why this plant remains illegal is causing confusion among many. Everything from clothes, medicine, fabrics, fuel and more, hemp is definitely a large threat to a variety of corporations that control energy, health and a number of other industries. Many corporations would see a decline in profit if hemp were to be legalized. One in particular this article will focus on is the automobile industry.

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