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World’s First Hydrogen Powered Tram Developed in China

The technology to use water as fuel is as old as the steam engine in conjunction with the discovery of electricity itself. But it’s sad when people seem to just laugh about it.

If they only realize that with the same volume, water has far more energy than gasoline and all other conventional fuels combine…

Maybe it’s the failure of the educational system to preserve the creative instinct of the individual, only shaping his mind to the needs of the industry.

The solution is always been the refusal to accept the limits of what is already possible, and the courage to venture into the level of certainty that is presently unknown.

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Nanomaterial that Can Produce Energy, Clean Water and Hydrogen

Researchers in Singapore have developed a new nanomaterial that functions like the best Swiss army knife in the world. The material, known as Multi-use Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), can produce energy, it can generate hydrogen, and it can even produce clean water. But that’s not all: The remarkable material can also be formed into flexible solar cells and it can double the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries. And with bacteria-killing properties, it can also be used in new antibacterial bandages.

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Blood Electrifier Successful Replication by Mike Finley

Michael Finley of

Back in March 2014, Mike Finley of Illinois informed me about his successful replication of the blood electrifier using the instructions from our eBook.

Prior to his final testing, we had a very healthy conversation which should help anyone contemplating to do the same.

The video will be uploaded soon. In the meantime, here are the pictures…

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Russia Develops Hybrid Fusion – Fission Reactor with China

Russia is developing a hybrid nuclear reactor that uses both nuclear fusion and fission, said head of leading nuclear research facility. The project is open for international collaboration, particularly from Chinese scientists.
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