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How Big Pharma’s Industrial Waste is Fueling the Rise in Superbugs Worldwide

Pharmaceutical companies are fueling the rise of superbugs by manufacturing drugs in factories that leak industrial waste, says a new report (Drug Resistance through the Back Door – How the Pharmaceutical Industry is Fuelling the Rise of Superbugs through Pollution in its Supply Chains) which calls on them to radically improve their supply chains. Continue reading How Big Pharma’s Industrial Waste is Fueling the Rise in Superbugs Worldwide

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Three Most Fundamental Mainstream Healthcare Problems & How to Defeat Them

There are many of those who have recognized that drugs are too expensive, grossly ineffective and outright fraught with dangers, who are still hesitant to entertain the idea that all of these could be deliberate.

Would you rather believe that even when men have already sent a delegation to the moon, and yet still can’t find a single cure for cancer?

Continue reading Three Most Fundamental Mainstream Healthcare Problems & How to Defeat Them

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Post-AntiBiotic Era is Here: Bacteria that are Resistant to All Antibiotics Discovered

The history of medicine is like a roller-coaster ride. First, they used herbs. Then they discovered electrotherapy.

Having fully appreciated the full potential of electrotherapy in eliminating ailments at its root cause, they resorted to chemical drugs of the medieval period due to its low production cost and its effectiveness in masking the symptoms that keeps the customers coming back.

Now that more superbugs are being discovered, how should the mainstream medicine industry respond if its drug-based approach is rendered moot and obsolete?

Continue reading Post-AntiBiotic Era is Here: Bacteria that are Resistant to All Antibiotics Discovered