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Revealed: Propaganda Template For Vaccine Passports

Propaganda is a one-sided and skewed presentation of the facts in order to manipulate people into doing things that they would never otherwise do if they had all the facts. Today, there is a massive propaganda campaign to establish vaccine passports and it’s coming from the very top of the Technocrat oligarchy.

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WHO Pushes International Pandemic Treaty: Another Stepping Stone to World Government?

They really are maximizing the opportunity to exploit the pandemic captive world population to implement their globalist ambitions of a totalitarian technology-based dictatorship. They still think that most people today are stupid, as they are being watched how most of them demand lockdowns from their own governments to keep themselves safe from “COVID19 infected neighbors.”

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Thousands March through Copenhagen to Protest Covid-19 Lockdown & Vaccination Passports (VIDEO)

People opposing the Danish government’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week’s gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests.

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Microsoft, Oracle & Co full speed ahead on Covid-19 vaccine passports

US tech and health behemoths have joined forces to roll out yet another Covid-19 vaccination passport, dangling a return to international travel but raising more questions about the future of privacy.

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Airlines Demanding ‘Vaccine Passports’ Signals the Death Knell of Democracy

Dozens of airlines are pushing for a system that proves passengers have “complied with health requirements,” whether in the form of a test or a future vaccine. And with passengers weary of lockdowns, they just may get their draconian wish. But this is just a sampling of horrors to come as the global elite enact their ‘great reset.’

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Elite’s COVID-19 Coup to Destroy Humanity also Fast-Tracking 4 Paths to Human Extinction

The global elite is conducting a coup that is designed to destroy all of the key elements of human society. It is doing this by destroying the essence of what it means to be human, by destroying the nature of existing human relationships, and by destroying the political, economic and social institutions of nation states.

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