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TB Vaccine Proved Bad for Primates Yet Safe for 1500 Babies?

A stunning leak from Oxford University revealed that a trial TB vaccine was tested on hundreds of babies even when it was not found to be safe for primates. Continue reading TB Vaccine Proved Bad for Primates Yet Safe for 1500 Babies?

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Finnish Scientists Discover Method for Making Fresh Food Out of Thin Air

After the Russians announced that they have the technology of producing any material out of thin air and in industrial volumes using biochemical method of transmutation, now comes these scientists from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland and Lappeenranta University of Technology (LUT), who succeeded in creating a protein powder out of carbon dioxide and electricity. Continue reading Finnish Scientists Discover Method for Making Fresh Food Out of Thin Air

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Nearly 50% of Unemployed Americans are Taking Opioids | Princeton researcher

In “Where have all the workers gone? An inquiry into the decline of the U.S. labor force participation rate” (PDF), Princeton University’s Alan Krueger examines the labor force implications of the opioid epidemic on a local and national level, and the study found out that:  Continue reading Nearly 50% of Unemployed Americans are Taking Opioids | Princeton researcher

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Nexrad Doppler Radars and Cooling Towers are altering the Weather, Too

We’ve already explained how the HAARP and mobile radar platforms are capable of altering the weather to produce storms and hurricanes wherever the operators need them to be. In fact, the superpower countries have also bound themselves into the UN treaty against weather warfare, a long time ago.

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Cloud Seeding “to Help Initiate Shower & Storm” Preceded Hurricane Harvey

A stunning cloud seeding report, which supports the claims that Hurricane Harvey could be another of those engineered hurricanes, has surfaced. The supposed post-job report was issued by the Trans-Pecos Weather Modification Association, Texas. Continue reading Cloud Seeding “to Help Initiate Shower & Storm” Preceded Hurricane Harvey

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Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines

Dr. Peter Doshi is pushing the boundaries of medical activism and is demanding for corporate transparency on medical products like vaccines and painkillers. “Together with a band of far-flung researchers and activists, he is trying to unearth data from clinical trials — complex studies that last for years and often involve thousands of patients across many countries — and make it public.” Continue reading Johns Hopkins Researcher Releases Shocking Report On Flu Vaccines

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Surviving Hurricane Harvey Aftermath

Everything, from gas to food prices, went up after Hurricane Harvey left Texas devastated and flooded. “A gallon of gas may cost between five and 15 cents more in parts of the country, predicts Tom Kloza, chief oil analyst at the Oil Price Information Service. Prices should fall back down by next week, but that could change if damage from the storm is worse than expected.” Continue reading Surviving Hurricane Harvey Aftermath

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German nurse suspected of killing at least 90 in bizarre game to test his skills

A German nurse jailed two years ago for the murder of two patients in his care is suspected of involvement in at least 90 murders, according to police. Niels Hoegel admitted in 2015 to deliberately endangering patients’ lives in so he could try to revive them. Continue reading German nurse suspected of killing at least 90 in bizarre game to test his skills

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Aetna Publishes Hundreds of Customers’ HIV Status Via Envelope Window

The American health insurance company Aetna has landed in hot water after it revealed the HIV status of roughly 12,000 of its customers when sensitive information was mailed out in an incorrect envelope.

The letters, stamped July 28, were sent out to inform clients of a change in pharmacy benefits; however, the HIPPA-guarded information was visible to anyone — a roommate, family member, neighbor, even a postal worker — through a not-so-small plastic window on the front of the envelope.

​Sally Friedman, the director of the Legal Action Center in New York City, and Ronda B. Goldfein, executive director of the AIDS Law Project of Pennsylvania, along with six other organizations, sent Aetna a demand letter Thursday to get the company to cease sending out the letters and right its wrongs.

Sent on behalf of patients in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania and the Washington, DC, area, Friedman indicated they’d received 23 complaints prior to their Thursday demand letter.

“Aetna’s privacy violation devastated people whose neighbors and family learned their intimate health information,” Friedman said in a statement. “[Clients] also were shocked that their health insurer would utterly disregard their privacy rights.”

According to the demand letter, Aetna’s mishap also included instructions to customers who were taking Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP), a medication preventing a person from acquiring HIV.

Despite calling the incident “unacceptable” and saying they were “ensuring something like this never happens again,” the Connecticut company insinuated in a letter it sent to to affected customers on August 2 that the blame should fall on a vendor that chose the incorrect envelope.

Upon their July 31 investigation, Aetna “confirmed that the vendor handling the mailing had used a window envelope, and, in some cases, the letter could have shifted within the envelope in a way that allowed personal health information to be viewable through the window.”

However, speaking to Stat News, Friedman indicated that in every letter they’d seen, the information was clearly visible — not just some.

Aetna’s notification letter went on to emphasize the “the viewable information did not include the name of any particular medication or any statement that have been diagnosed with specific condition.”

Regardless of whether specific medication or the client’s condition was identified, “it creates a tangible risk of violence, discrimination and other trauma,” Goldfein said in a statement.

With the Legal Action Center and the AIDS Law Project considering further legal action, Aetna announced it’s been in touch with the mailing vendor.

“Regardless of how this error occurred, it affects our members and it is our responsibility to do our best to make things right.”


The best way to protect one’s privacy is to have your own healthcare system.

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Strange Cloud Formations Suggest the Weather is Hacked

Captured by NASA satellites, these strange looking cloud formations can only mean one thing – our atmosphere is being hacked regularly, and only motivation is to support a globalwide campaign to impose all draconian measures under the “climate change” hoax mantra. Continue reading Strange Cloud Formations Suggest the Weather is Hacked