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Amazing Cancer Therapy Wipes Out Prostate and Bone Cancer

Vernon Johnson mixing sodium bicarbonate with molasses The pH level of our internal fluids affects every cell in our body. Chronic over-acidity corrodes body tissue, and if left unchecked will interrupt all cellular activities and functions. In other words, over-acidity interferes with life itself. It is at the root of cancer.
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Russian Scientists Say Conifers Have Anti-Cancer Properties

Previously, they have discovered how to culture an anti-cancer protein in a zero gravity environment.

Now, these evil Russians continue to rattle the medical cartel cage by releasing an organic cancer cure, i.e. fir terpenoids. Continue reading Russian Scientists Say Conifers Have Anti-Cancer Properties

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Stupid Medicine Gets Cash Infusion for Anti-Superbug R&D

After years of “superbug” scare mongering, a “major global partnership has announced an injection of cash for researchers seeking to develop the first new class of antibiotics in more than three decades as well as other ways to defeat deadly antibiotic-resistant superbugs.” Continue reading Stupid Medicine Gets Cash Infusion for Anti-Superbug R&D

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Untold Story of the Clintons Cashing in on HIV/AIDS Sufferers

On March 23, the GMHC, an AIDS service organization, is due to honor former President Bill Clinton, the founder of the Clinton Foundation, for his 15-year effort to battle HIV/AIDS. Speaking to Sputnik, Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel disclosed what really lay behind the charity’s HIV/AIDS initiative. Do the Clintons deserve so much praise? Continue reading Untold Story of the Clintons Cashing in on HIV/AIDS Sufferers

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Immunologist Demolishes California Pro-Mass Vaccination Legislation

The following open letter written by a PhD Immunologist completely demolishes the current California legislative initiative to remove all vaccine exemptions.  That such a draconian and cynical state statute is under consideration in the ‘Golden State’ is as shocking as it is predictable.  After all, the legislation was mysteriously written and submitted shortly after the manufactured-in-Disneyland measles ‘outbreak’. Continue reading Immunologist Demolishes California Pro-Mass Vaccination Legislation

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Russian Scientists Claim ‘Space Grown’ Cure for Cancer Ready for Human Trials

Engineered by a team of specialists from the Federal Medical-Biological Agency (FMBA), a unique drug shows its efficiency in fighting cancer of all types and all stages. The brand new treatment for cancer promises to help people with incurable tumors, FMBA’s Professor Andrei Simbirtsev told Sputnik. Continue reading Russian Scientists Claim ‘Space Grown’ Cure for Cancer Ready for Human Trials