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Record US Farmers Switching to Non-GMO Crops in 2015

“Non-GMO is More Profitable.”

This is the rising sentiment among farmers of the US as a confluence of factors urges them to become pro-organic. From falling GMO grain prices to a rising tide of public distrust of genetically modified ingredients, failing GMO traits, higher GMO seed prices, and the premium prices that people willingly pay for quality food over toxic junk, the conventional farmer is changing his tune when it comes to Big Ag practices.

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Big Food Companies are Going Down

Are processed foods finally on their way out?

The public doesn’t trust manufacturers like Kellogg’s and Kraft anymore. Earnings are falling, and dozens of Big Food companies’ stocks are down. One of the biggest food companies in the world, ConAgra, is even slashing its 2015 earnings projections. Is Big Food really over?

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Gardasil Exposed via Toronto Star Then Taken Down

A very interesting exposé was made via mainstream Toronto Star about the “dark side” of the notorious HPV vaccine marketed as Gardasil, last February 5, 2015.

Suddenly, this article has been taken down. However, a cached copy is still available via

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Monsanto Bought BLACKWATER Mercenary Group

A report by Jeremy Scahill in The Nation revealed that the largest mercenary army in the world, Blackwater (later called Xe Services and more recently “Academi”) clandestine intelligence services was sold to the multinational Monsanto. Blackwater was renamed in 2009 after becoming famous in the world with numerous reports of abuses in Iraq, including massacres of civilians. It remains the largest private contractor of the U.S. Department of State “security services,” that practices state terrorism by giving the government the opportunity to deny it.

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One Man’s Genius Idea To Grow Tomatoes

James Bryan had a bright idea that resulted in something brilliant. Gardeners and repurposing fanatics behold, keyhole garden, meets tomato cage, meets drip irrigation. The setup is obviously simple yet highly functional and effective. You can whip one of these up for next to nothing, especially if you salvage the fencing.

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Obama Wants Decriminalization of Marijuana

Legalization of marijuana use is just the same as the illegalization of the substance. Both measures give the State a complete control over it.

In contrast, the decriminalization of the same substance means that the State doesn’t want to have something to do with it.

But of course, not everyone would want to share that interpretation, and would rather want the legalization of the substance which would mean regulation of its use.

Marijuana is one of the most useful plants we have on this planet and the criminalization of its use reflects how uncivilized our society really is.

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Awesome Tiny House A Family Can Live In

I always believe in the philosophy that in order for us live in harmony with Nature, we must minimize our footprint as much as possible. We can start doing exactly that by living in a smaller box.

A tiny house in the middle of a potpourri of edible and medicinal plants is a beautiful home entirely and doesn’t sacrifice the quality of life but enhances it further.

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Slaughterhouse Owner Pleads Guilty Re 9M Pound Cancer-ridden Cattle

An owner of a Northern California slaughterhouse at the center of a massive beef recall has pleaded guilty to knowingly processing cancer-ridden cattle for human consumption, despite USDA veterinarians warnings that the beef was unsafe.

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