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30 Things To Start Doing For Yourself

Here it is, a positive ‘to-do’ list for this year – 30 things to start doing for yourself:

Start spending time with the right people. – These are the people you enjoy, who love and appreciate you, and who encourage you to improve in healthy and exciting ways.  They are the ones who make you feel more alive, and not only embrace who you are now, but also embrace and embody who you want to be, unconditionally.
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Cinnamon with Honey: The Sweet Pill That Big Pharma Hates

Staying healthy does not necessarily mean spending too much. For those who don’t give up so easily, there’s always a countless of options they can choose from.

Oftentimes,  the most sensible solution is readily accessible, if you care to look around.

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Inside A Luxury 280 Square Foot Tiny House In Oregon

Tiny houses are growing in popularity as people not only learn more about them but also seek to experience a simpler life. After all, in the US, 68% of tiny home owners have no mortgage compared to only 23% of traditional home owners. Although the trade off in size is very noticeable, for many it comes down to what they are willing to trade off.

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Baking Soda – True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Previously, we posted this article acknowledging the bravery of one doctor who for 35 years worked in “an industry that sought to annihilate the population of the world.”

Dr. John Rengen Virapen’s statement should be an eye opener to everyone who is still worshiping Modern Medicine which, even with its arrogance in upholding their so-called peer reviewed, clinical trial based, death inducing calculated poison as the only option there is, has been proven time and time again to be terribly inferior to alternative approaches like we have advocated here.

Even so, the population just couldn’t believe that a simple substance like baking soda is a much better antidote to cancer than chemotherapy. Yes, it is a cure for cancer, and one doctor had already proven it even before Dr. John Rengen Virapen was struck by his conscience and spilled the truth about the biggest, systematic and deadliest scam in human history that is the pharmaceutical industry.

The inability of governments around the world to stop the use of viral tainted vaccines, and the hesitance of the mass media to tell the Whole Truth about the thousands of deaths caused by UN sanctioned vaccinations, psychiatric drugs and chemotherapy, has led to our conclusion that they, the government and mass media, are complicit in the attempt to reduce the global population to a mere 500 million by the year 2050.




Baking Soda – True Enemy of the Pharmaceutical Industry

It used to be common knowledge that baking soda could easily cure a common cold, as well as assist in numerous other ailments. What happened to all that information? Additionally, I have come across people who have swore it to rid their cancer and then I came across this following written piece that was quite intriguing…

“When taken orally with water, especially water with high magnesium content, and when used transdermally in medicinal baths, sodium bicarbonate becomes a first-line medicinal for the treatment of cancer, kidney disease, diabetes, influenza and even the common cold. And importantly, it is also a powerful buffer against radiation exposure, so everyone should be up to speed on its use.”

Below is an article written from the wonderful book ‘Sodium Bicarbonate – Rich Man’s Poor Man’s Cancer Treatment – Second Edition’ by Mark Sircus, AC., OMD. I felt it was a good idea to share this information so please be sure to check it out -with an open mind of course. It is understandable how this can seem fa fetched but there are a number of well known natural cancer treatments that are working today that mainstream medicine refuses to talk about. What you’ll find about the effectiveness of bakings soda in curing many types of illness nothing short of incredible.

See More Proof of The Amazing Healing Effectiveness of Baking Soda Here

Baking Soda Vs. The Pharmaceutical Industry


There are many reasons to use baking soda but one overall reason is that sodium bicarbonate is a natural substance that will not harm us, our children or the environment because is it not a chemical compound that affects nature in any kind of negative sense. Baking soda is actually a compound that is found throughout nature, in the ocean, in the soil, in our foods, and in our bodies. Baking soda is a neutralizer of many other compounds, which makes it extremely helpful as a medicine in the age of toxicity, which we are all presently passing through.

Life-threatening asthma in children is often resistant to treatment with bronchodilators and systemic corticosteroids. Recent research suggests that administering sodium bicarbonate—an ingredient commonly found in kitchens—in intravenous (IV) form can significantly improve pH and PCO2 in children with life-threatening asthma. Sodium bicarbonate can save the day when nothing else can. The only other substance we can say the same is with magnesium chloride, which when injected will save a person during cardiac arrest and pull one out of a stroke if given soon enough.

There has been work going on at the University of Arizona, using bicarbonate (baking soda) as a potential treatment for cancer. Robert J. Gillies and his colleagues have demonstrated that pre-treatment of mice with sodium bicarbonate results in the alkalinization of the area around tumors. (Raghunand 2003) This type of baking soda treatment has been found to “enhance the anti-tumor activity” of other anticancer drugs. This is very similar to the recently published research of injecting O2 directly into tumors where such direct administration of Oxygen also facilitated the action of chemotherapy.

This year these same researchers reported that bicarbonate increases tumor pH (i.e., make it more alkaline) and also inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009). They showed that oral sodium bicarbonate increased the pH of tumors and also reduced the formation of spontaneous metastases in mice with breast cancer. It also reduced the rate of lymph node involvement.

When it comes to sodium bicarbonate it is an open and shut case. Baking soda is already in wide use and has been for decades, even by oncologists who do not want their patients dropping dead too quickly because of the tremendous toxicity of their treatments. Sodium bicarbonate is used routinely to keep the toxicity of chemotherapy agents and radiation from killing people or from destroying their kidneys. In relation to bicarbonate, millions of people in the world either consume bicarbonate ions in drinking water or have been treated clinically with bicarbonate in hospitals, medical centers, or emergency. Sodium bicarbonate helps to save countless lives every day. This is why baking soda is so powerful and hated by the drug companies.

Dr. Boris Veysman specialist in emergency medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Jersey describes one emergency room experience: “The emergency department is always noisy, but today the triage nurse is yelling “not breathing,” as she runs toward us pushing a wheelchair. A pale, thin woman is slumped over and looking gray. Without concrete proof of a “Do Not Resuscitate” order, there’s no hesitation. Click, klang, and the patient has a tube down her throat within seconds. I do the chest compressions. On the monitor, she is flat-lining — no heartbeat. I synchronize my words with the compressions and call out for an external pacemaker. Pumping … thinking: Cardiac standstill … after walking in … with cancer … on chemo. This resuscitation isn’t by the book. “Get two amps of bicarbonate,” I say to the intern. The jugular line takes seconds, and I flush it with sodium bicarbonate. This probably will correct the blood’s extreme acidity, which I suspect is driving up the potassium. The external pacemaker finally arrives. Potent electric shocks at 80 beats per minute begin to stimulate her heart. The vitals stabilize.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) lives up to the image on the Arm and Hammers box, it is the ultimate heavy weight work horse medicine that every healthcare professional and parent should be knowledgeable about and routinely using. When combined with other strong but basic natural substances like magnesium chloride and iodine one has at ones fingertips a trinity of medical super heroes ready to perform scientific medical miracles in a single bound.

We are talking about serious medicine when we talk about sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Earlier and more frequent use of baking soda is associated with higher early resuscitability rates and with better long-term neurological outcomes in emergency units. Sodium bicarbonate is very beneficial during CPR.

Bicarbonate is present in all body fluids and organs and plays a major role in the acid-base balances in the human body.
Bicarbonate deficiency is the most unrecognized medical condition on earth even though it is extraordinarily common. Problems from acid pH levels (relative deficiency in bicarbonate ions) take a large toll from human physiology and the more acid a person gets the larger the problem for cell physiology. Every biochemical reaction is pH sensitive with enzymes being especially sensitive. Our diet plays an important role in maintaining appropriate pH levels in the body.

Most modern diets give rise to unhealthy acidic pH conditions. This is where baking soda comes into play. An imbalanced pH will interrupt cellular activities and functions to extreme levels as ph drops further. Excessive acidic pH leads to cellular deterioration which eventually brings on serious health problems such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and heartburn. The fact that the biological life functions best in a non-acidic (alkaline) environment speaks miles about the usefulness of baking soda.

“I have used intravenous sodium bicarbonate therapy mostly as a naturopathic treatment for patients who consistently react to allergens or that have chemical sensitivities. This is a great therapy during the Vancouver allergy seasons of spring and fall. The alkalinizing sodium bicarbonate IV can often immediately stop an allergic reaction, or asthmatic attack, since such reactions cannot persist in an alkaline environment. Some of my patients also get benefit from taking an alkalinizing drink every night to reduce their chemical sensitivity symptoms,” writes Dr Eric Chan. “All of my Vancouver and Richmond patients have tolerated this therapy markedly well.”

“Uniformly, in ill patients, increasing the alkaline buffer of the tissues makes patients feel better. As mentioned above, this is particularly true in chemically sensitive patients, and can actually be a “cure” in the sense that we are increasing the body’s ability to react in a healthy way to noxious stimuli. If I use the intravenous sodium bicarbonate in such patients, it is usually given twice a week for a period of 4-5 weeks. Sodium bicarbonate is a very effective way of directly improving celllular health by making the tissue more alkaline,” concludes Dr. Chan.

Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is the time honored method to ‘speed up’ the return of the body’s bicarbonate levels to normal. Bicarbonate is inorganic, very alkaline and like other mineral type substances supports an extensive list of biological functions. Sodium bicarbonate happens to be one of our most useful medicines because baking soda physiology is fundamental to life and health. So helpful and elementary it’s even instrumental in helping sperm swim up and enter the cervical canal.

It is not possible to be a fully educated medical professional without coming up to speed on vital medical information about baking soda. This book is full of contributions from universities, hospitals and clinicians who have for decades been researching and using sodium bicarbonate for many medical applications. Baking soda is an essential medicine, which no emergency room or intensive care ward would be caught without. This book represents a full medical review that combs through all corners of the medical universe to lay bare the full knowledge of baking soda and scope of sodium bicarbonates use in medicine.

Everything I know about baking soda you should know and when you do, you will know more than anyone else who has not taken the time or has had the interest to fully research the subject or read this book. It’s an experience to know much more about such a basic vital substance than your doctors. Take the journey and sail through bicarbonate seas. Read and learn more about baking soda and then begin to think of what is the medical truth about sodium bicarbonate as a treatment for cancer.

This book also gives the keys to understanding that vast fraud and the intended rip off of labeling Carbon Dioxide (CO2) a poisonous gas. In these pages you will find the truth about CO2 because it is a great part of the secret about sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), which turns to CO2 in the stomach when mixed with water. As we shall see sodium bicarbonate, CO2 and Oxygen (O2) are all tied together. All three are essential for biological existence on planet earth. CO2 is no more of a poison than water.

Sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda) is probably one of the most useful substances in the world; no wonder the pharmaceutical companies don’t want doctors or anyone else to know much about it. Sodium Bicarbonate is an important medicine – of the safest kind – and it is essential when treating cancer, kidney and other diseases.”


Eye-Opening Evidence: Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Can Kill Cancer

A woman who was suffering from basal cell carcinoma skin cancer on the crown of her head was cured by her daughter’s insistence on trying baking soda pastes applied directly to the skin cancer.

At first, Kyneret Azizo’s mother resisted, but Azizo, a respected writer and advocate of natural remedies, had read of people curing their skin cancer with simple water and baking soda, bicarbonate of soda, not baking powder.

But after three surgical procedures resulted in the cancer returning worse each time, the mother yielded to Azizo’s urging. She mixed the baking soda with pure cold pressed organic coconut oil into a thick paste instead of water. She knew that coconut oil has skin cellular regenerative powers and figured the oil would be an effective adjunct for the baking soda. It’s applied to the cancerous spot without rubbing it in and left there.

The only pharmaceutical Azizo used was Polysporin Triple 3 Antibiotics applied at night. Just about any other antibiotic ointment can be used as a precaution against bacterial infection occurring within the wound opened by the tumors demise. I’m wondering if colloidal silver soaked cotton would work also.

This ointment or whatever antibiotic application one chooses to use is stopped when the open wound closes. But Azizo continued the baking soda and coconut oil application with the addition of cotton soaked vinegar taped to the skin, which induced penetration of the baking soda to the basal cell carcinoma roots that are beyond the skin’s surface. There seems to be another even better solvent for this purpose: DMSO.

After applying the baking soda – coconut oil diligently for 38 days, Azizo’s mother was completely free from skin cancer and her wound totally healed. Although this type of skin cancer is not deadly like melanoma can be, nonetheless it does continue spreading on the skin until it’s totally cured.

We’re talking basic household baking soda here, nothing fancy or unusual. The rumors of aluminum in baking soda are misguided. It’s baking powder that often contains aluminum unless the label says aluminum free. Baking soda is highly alkaline producing, and cancer tumors thrive on acidic environments while folding under alkaline settings.

Now for an Even More Dramatic Life and Death Story

Vernon Johnston after treatment

Recently divorced and low on cash, Vernon Johnston used the VA (Veteran’s Administration) system to determine he had prostate cancer that was Stage III, but soon metastasized into his hip area bone matter and became stage IV. He was only weeks away from being examined to determine what therapy he needed to undergo when one of his son’s recommended Vernon investigate substances that rapidly alkalized on a cellular level. Vernon discovered cesium and ordered it, but it was slow arriving. So he grabbed baking soda and used blackstrap molasses, instead of maple syrup, as the Trojan Horse sugar bait for cancer cells to open wide and take in the highly alkaline influence of baking soda that would lead to the cancer cells’ deaths.

He used what he had, and by the time of his next bone scan less than two weeks later, the scan determined no evidence of spreading cancer. His PSA had dropped from 22 to 5 to .1 over the course of his DIY (do it yourself) treatment and pharmaceutical prescriptions. You can read Vernon’s story in his own words here.

In addition to his DIY protocol, he exposed himself to lots of sunlight, did breathing exercises to increase oxygen delivery into the cancerous areas, and treated himself to a healthier plant based diet. He also did his fair share of positive imagery, all of which Vernon explains in his ebook, “Vernon’s Dance With Cancer: After the Jolt”. A free preview of his book with the option to buy can be accessed here.

BTW, it was written over five years after his original DIY baking soda alkaline producing protocol. Vernon delivers lectures and is in good health over five years later. Five years cancer free after diagnosis and treatment is considered cured even by the cancer industry’s own standards.

Note the word producing after alkaline. There are alkaline substances that don’t produce alkalinity within the body’s acid-alkaline buffer while there are acidic substances, such as limes and lemons that do become alkaline within the body’s buffering. In other words, don’t count on alkalized water to boost your inner pH from acidic to alkaline. Baking soda is both alkaline and alkaline producing.

Dr. Mark Sircus has been an advocate of baking soda as a remedy for cancer, and he has written a book on using baking soda for cancer and other health afflictions entitled Sodium Bicarbonate – Full Medical Review.

Dr. Tullio Simoncini

Italian former physician now alternative health practitioner flushes baking soda solutions injected directly into blood vessels that feed tumors internally, based on his prior experience as an oncology surgeon.Dr. Simoncini lets everyone know that there is no pharmaceutical anti-fungal as effective and safe as bicarbonate of soda aka baking soda. His claim that cancer thrives on fungal colonies, or even that cancer is produced by fungal colonies is controversial. It led to his physician certification being removed in Italy.I think bicarbonate of soda deserves more attention, at least as a complimentary treatment for major ailments and a total approach for minor ailments. All the sources listed below and embedded links within the text will lead you to more information.


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Avocado: A Superfood that You Can Grow Today

There’s a ton of reasons why everyone must grow this fruit in their backyards. Avocado is considered a superfood for its variety of benefits in terms of nutrients, monosaturated fats and fiber.

This fruit is good for diabetics and those who want to lower their cholesterol levels, without sacrificing the goodness that comes with eating most fruits.

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The Enormous Price We Pay for Inadequate Sleep

The planet we live in operates in a simple cycle that can’t be disrupted without dire consequences. The endless turns of night and day has produced a potpourri of lifeforms as they are over the billions of years it is doing so.

The human body behaves in like manner, and purposely defeating its normal active and rest cycles is expected to be catastrophic.

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