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This Family Of Four Lives Off The Grid In the Desert

Living off the grid has its own challenges, but the rewards are far more exciting. We don’t have to force ourselves eating GMO or non-organic products, pay for energy and water bills. Don’t have to deal with urban noise and air pollutions, etc.

Best of all, we can easily do what we need to do and enjoy doing them.

With the right technology we can still access the internet or enjoy free satellite TV for news update and education.

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Water Fuel Technologies are Real

In 1969, a compatriot Daniel Dingel approached the late Philippine president Ferdinand Marcos for the implementation of energy systems that run solely on tap water. The latter refused to give in to the plea due to the planned installation of a nuclear power plant. This nuclear plant was about to be switched on in 1986, but Marcos was kicked out from his 20-year dictatorship, denying the country from cheaper electricity for home and industrial use.

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5 Big Signs the Global Engine of Deceit, Lies and Control are Ending

 The power of fear-mongering and deception is crumbling right in front of our eyes as the world awakens. Here’s 5 signs the era of deception is over…

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Russia Develops Hybrid Fusion – Fission Reactor with China

Russia is developing a hybrid nuclear reactor that uses both nuclear fusion and fission, said head of leading nuclear research facility. The project is open for international collaboration, particularly from Chinese scientists.
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EarthShip And Sustainability – Finally Catching Fire!

An Earthship is a unique type of passive solar house that is made of both natural and recycled materials (such as earth-filled tires), designed and marketed by Earthship Biotecture of Taos, New Mexico. The term is a registered trademark of Michael Reynolds.

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Avoid This Beverage to Reduce Risk of a Heart Attack

When feeling tired and low on energy, many people’s first reaction is to reach for a cup of coffee. Energy drinks are the other popular ‘solution’. One of the most famous energy drinks, Red Bull, created a name for itself as a beverage that ‘gives you wings’. Sponsoring many extreme sport events, Red Bull’s marketing motto states that they support daring people and innovative ideas. They don’t mention the potential health dangers of their signature drink.

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Why This Popular Health Food Should be Avoided Like Plague


Avoid SoyWhether you call it soybeans or edamame, the bottom line is the same: soy should not be eaten by anyone pursuing good health. By now, it’s well known in the natural health community that almost all soy is genetically modified, but what is not so well known is that instead of contributing to nutrition, soybeans and most of the products made from them may actually rob the body of nutrients, destroy thyroid function, and cause developmental problems in infants and children.

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