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When Plutocrats Own the Weather & Nobody is Buying the “Climate Change” Hoax Anymore

There are at least two notable human pursuits that have endured across the ages, i.e. physical immortality and the ability to tame nature.

The hunt for the fountain of youth and the ability to please and summon the gods to alter the weather so that rain may fall and crops may grow, have encouraged barbaric rituals, propelled sciences to greater heights, and motivated wars and conflict causing the rise and fall of empires.

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It’s Confirmed, Clinton is Suffering with Alzheimer’s Disease

If Clinton has forgotten about one of her most prominent healthcare supporters in Sen. Sanders, how much more those regular citizens of the United States who are now cheering for her?

Will she still remembers them once she sits in the White House?

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Don’t ever do this to your precious child

Or, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

Parents always do what’s best for their child based on the information at hand. Conversely, children are prohibited to make decisions for themselves based on the assumption that they don’t have adequate knowledge to do so.

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Depopulation Agenda is the Only Explanation why Expensive Mainstream Medicine is Lethal

When anybody doing a research on the multiple attacks against the human body, be it through our drinking water, supposedly breathable air, or even within the pseudo healthcare medical industry itself, the answers would then lead us to our initial conclusion that this is only about capitalism, or economics in general, i.e.:

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Bringing Down Big Pharma, One Lawsuit at a Time

There appears to be a loosely organized effort to bring down Big Pharma for its crime against humanity. This effort is backed up not only by a cadre of high caliber experts in the practice of law, but also of armed and intelligence components ensuring the safety of witnesses and whistleblowers.

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Chemtrail Planes Caught in Action, Warn Population by Writing “Last Chance” Sky High

Commercial pilots are now gathering actual chemtrail operation evidence and some chemtrail pilots are writing their message up in the sky to warn the public to wake up now, or suffer the grave consequences later on.

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Flint Water Crisis & California’s Gas Leak Mere Tip of The Iceberg

There are a number of children already suffering from potentially irreversible lead poisoning in Flint, Michigan. While the Southern California Gas company has been spewing highly toxic and inflammable methane gas for years without them doing anything decisive until the new mainstream media are going hot on their trail lately.

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Forsaking California: Catastrophic Methane Gas Leak Ignored by Mainstream Media

It’s still fresh in everyone’s mind when the State of California was hit with the worst drought in decades. Several researchers have observed persistent anomalous high temperature readings exclusively in the area leading some to suspect a deliberate HAARP attack.

Today, another environmental disaster is developing in Los Angeles, California, and the mainstream media is focusing its eyes only to the usual carnival that has brought nothing useful beyond periodic false hopes to the nation.

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