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Americans Die Younger Despite Spending the Most on Health Care

The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which supposedly promotes policies to improve social and economic well-being, is puzzled by the fact that despite the high amount being spent on healthcare, the Americans are still dying younger by the day. Continue reading Americans Die Younger Despite Spending the Most on Health Care

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‘Chip Party’: US Company celebrates implanting microchips in employees

No, it’s not a conspiracy theory anymore. A US company has just thrown a party celebrating the microchipping of 50% of its employees. This marketing gimmick is meant to normalize microchipping of all citizens on the planet, for easier surveillance monitoring and societal control. Continue reading ‘Chip Party’: US Company celebrates implanting microchips in employees

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How Big Pharma’s Industrial Waste is Fueling the Rise in Superbugs Worldwide

Pharmaceutical companies are fueling the rise of superbugs by manufacturing drugs in factories that leak industrial waste, says a new report (Drug Resistance through the Back Door – How the Pharmaceutical Industry is Fuelling the Rise of Superbugs through Pollution in its Supply Chains) which calls on them to radically improve their supply chains. Continue reading How Big Pharma’s Industrial Waste is Fueling the Rise in Superbugs Worldwide

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Scientists’ Electrifying Plans for a Food Revolution Could Spell an End to World Hunger

Scientists in Finland are perfecting a food-making process which could one day enable people to electrically shock carbon dioxide and microbes into a square meal. Continue reading Scientists’ Electrifying Plans for a Food Revolution Could Spell an End to World Hunger

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Climate’s Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide is Much Lower than Was Thought

Climate change, or its predecessor global warming, is based on the false application of climate models which resulted to the over-estimation of future global warming temperatures by “as much as 10 times,” thus is the conclusion reached from a mathematical discovery by one Pert-based electrical engineer, Dr. David Evans. Continue reading Climate’s Sensitivity to Carbon Dioxide is Much Lower than Was Thought

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A 60-year Old Shares How this Plant Returned His Vision and more

Maintaining good health is not a simple task, as it requires diligence and a lot of self-care. Aging makes this even more difficult given that as normal process that occurs within the human body it causes many changes and affects all bodily parts. Continue reading A 60-year Old Shares How this Plant Returned His Vision and more

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War on weed: Veterans’ access to medical marijuana blocked by Republicans

Veterans hoping to use medical marijuana to treat post-traumatic stress disorder have had their hopes extinguished after Republicans shot down the Veterans Equal Access amendment to allow doctors to discuss medicinal cannabis with patients. Continue reading War on weed: Veterans’ access to medical marijuana blocked by Republicans