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Lobbyist Says Roundup Safe, But Won’t Put His Poison Where His Mouth Is

This is a very good precedent. We can follow this idea for all doctors who want to prescribe us  with toxic medicines.

A controversial former environmentalist who claimed on French TV that Monsanto’s Roundup weedkiller was safe to drink was offered some in a glass by a journalist during the interview – and refused to drink it.

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Fork Over Knives: Less Meat, More Plants for Healthier People & Planet

On the landing page of this website we dissected the causes and cure for all our diseases, and one of those causes is energy depletion due to inadequacy of the modern diet to provide enough energy and the lack of regular physical  exercise, that would impair our body’s inherent capability to repel any infections.

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Make your own vitamin C at home

So you may not know that almost all of the vitamin C supplement manufacturers are making their vitamin C from genetically engineered corn. What! You exclaim.

How am I supposed to get enough vitamin C into my family if I don’t buy store bought supplements?

Answer: You make your own!

What you are about to read is something that the giant pharmaceutical companies don’t want you to see.

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World’s First Hydrogen Powered Tram Developed in China

The technology to use water as fuel is as old as the steam engine in conjunction with the discovery of electricity itself. But it’s sad when people seem to just laugh about it.

If they only realize that with the same volume, water has far more energy than gasoline and all other conventional fuels combine…

Maybe it’s the failure of the educational system to preserve the creative instinct of the individual, only shaping his mind to the needs of the industry.

The solution is always been the refusal to accept the limits of what is already possible, and the courage to venture into the level of certainty that is presently unknown.

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Top Six Factors Predicting Heart Attack Risk

The heart is one of the most privileged organ as it is the only one that doesn’t or rarely experience cancer at all. This is because it is always flooded with freshly oxygenated blood from its friend, i.e. lungs.

But even then, the heart is vulnerable to other stresses which could lead to a very sudden and catastrophic scenario which most victims are not prepare of, i.e. heart attacks.

Here’s a compelling view of how a heart attack occurs, its possible causes which ran counter to the popularly held  view of clogged arteries, and most importantly, how we can avoid it now.

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Nanomaterial that Can Produce Energy, Clean Water and Hydrogen

Researchers in Singapore have developed a new nanomaterial that functions like the best Swiss army knife in the world. The material, known as Multi-use Titanium Dioxide (TiO2), can produce energy, it can generate hydrogen, and it can even produce clean water. But that’s not all: The remarkable material can also be formed into flexible solar cells and it can double the lifespan of lithium-ion batteries. And with bacteria-killing properties, it can also be used in new antibacterial bandages.

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